Applies to wrapped connections made with single solid round wires with nominal diameters of 0.16 mm minimum and appropriately designed posts for use in telecommunications equipment and in electronic devices employing similar techniques.Cross References:IEC 60050(581):1978IEC 60068-1:1988IEC 60068-1/Amd 1:1992IEC 60352-5:1995IEC 60512-1:1994IEC 60512-2:1985IEC 60512-2/Amd 1:1994IEC 60512-6:1984IEC 60512-8:1993IEC 60979:1989ISO 468:1982ISO 1337:1980ISO 6507-1:1982EN 60068-1:1994EN 60352-5:1995EN 60512-1:1994