Geotechnical investigation and testing. Laboratory testing of soil-Direct shear tests
岩土工程勘察和测试 土壤的实验室测试
BS EN ISO 17892-10:2018规定了两种实验室试验方法,用于使用剪切箱或环形剪切装置测定固结排水条件下土壤的有效剪切强度。本文件适用于在岩土工程勘察范围内直接剪切土壤的有效抗剪强度参数的实验室测定。本文件中包括的测试适用于原状土、重塑土、重新压实土或再造土。该程序描述了在单个垂直(法向)应力下测定试样抗剪强度的要求。
通常,从一种土壤中制备三个或三个以上的类似试样,用于在三个或三个以上不同的垂直压力下进行剪切,以便根据附录B确定抗剪强度参数。制备和测试试样的特殊程序,例如分阶段加载和预剪切,或用于土壤和其他材料之间的界面测试,不包括在本文件的程序中。交叉引用:ISO 14688-1ISO 17892-1ISO 386ISO/IEC指南98-3EN 1997-1GUM:1995 ISO 17892-2EN 1997-2购买时可用的所有当前修订版均包含在本文件的购买中。
BS EN ISO 17892-10:2018 specifies two laboratory test methods for the determination of the effective shear strength of soils under consolidated drained conditions using either a shearbox or a ring shear device.This document is applicable to the laboratory determination of effective shear strength parameters for soils in direct shear within the scope of geotechnical investigations.The tests included in this document are for undisturbed, remoulded, re-compacted or reconstituted soils. The procedure describes the requirements of a determination of the shear resistance of a specimen under a single vertical (normal) stress. Generally three or more similar specimens from one soil are prepared for shearing under three or more different vertical pressures to allow the shear strength parameters to be determined in accordance with Annex B.Special procedures for preparation and testing the specimen, such as staged loading and pre-shearing or for interface tests between soils and other materials, are not covered in the procedure of this document.Cross References:ISO 14688-1ISO 17892-1ISO 386ISO/IEC Guide 98-3EN 1997-1GUM:1995ISO 17892-2EN 1997-2All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.