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现行 ASNT 0148
Nondestructive Testing Handbook, Vol. 8: Magnetic Particle Testing (MT), 3rd ed. 无损检测手册 第三版:第8卷 磁性检测
磁粉检测的权威参考。*100多页也适用于漏磁检测。包含上一版关于磁粉检测的所有最新信息。*66位磁检测专家的合作成果。*编辑强调实用性,信息对二级和三级检查员有用。*应用领域包括金属、焊接、化工、石油和电力。*数十张照片显示了异常现象。*关于参考标准文件和数码摄影的新信息。*包括公制单位。*根据安全和环境法规进行编辑。*为已发布的标准提供了更新的参考。 本卷是II级和III级磁粉检测检查员和质量人员(评估或指定磁粉或漏磁检测的人员)的必备资料。422页,478幅插图,241个方程式,56个表格。广泛的词汇表和索引。
This Magnetic Particle Testing (MT) handbook contains 100+ pages applicable also to magnetic flux leakage testing. Contains all current information from the previous edition on magnetic particle testing. A collaborative effort of 66 magnetic testing experts. Editorial emphasis on practicality with information useful to Level II and Level III inspectors. Applications including metals, welding, chemical, petroleum, and electric power. Dozens of photographs illustrating anomalies. New information on documentation with reference standards and digital photography. Metric units included throughout. Edited with an eye to safety and environmental regulations. Updated references provided for published standards. The authoritative reference for magnetic particle testing. This volume is a must-have for Level II and III MT inspectors and quality personnel - those who evaluate or specify magnetic particle or flux leakage testing. 478 illustrations, 241 equations, 56 tables. Extensive glossary and index.
发布单位或类别: 美国-美国无损检测协会