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现行 ASTM E459-22
Standard Test Method for Measuring Heat Transfer Rate Using a Thin-Skin Calorimeter 用薄皮量热计测量热传递率的标准试验方法
发布日期: 2022-04-01
1.1 本试验方法涵盖用于测量传热速率(也称为热通量)的薄金属热量计的设计和使用。热电偶连接到热量计的未暴露表面。一维热流分析用于根据温度测量值计算传热速率。应用包括空气动力学加热、激光和辐射功率测量以及消防安全测试。 1.2 优势: 1.2.1 结构简单- 量热计可以由多种材料制成。通常可以制作尺寸和形状以匹配实际应用。热电偶可以通过点焊、电子束或激光焊接连接到金属上。 1.2.2 如果使用导热系数低的金属,例如一些不锈钢或铬镍铁合金600,则可以获得传热速率分布。 1.2.3 量热计的表面光滑,没有绝缘体或塞子以及随之而来的温度不连续性,为气动加热测量提供更真实的流动条件。 1.2.4 本试验方法中描述的热量计相对便宜。如有必要,可将其烧坏,以获取传热信息。 1.3 限制: 1.3.1 在较高的热流水平下,需要较短的测试时间来确保热量计的存活。 1.3.2 对于风洞或电弧喷射设施中的应用,热量计必须在压力和温度下工作,以使薄蒙皮在压力载荷下不会变形。表面变形将引入测量误差。 1.3.3 如果薄皮量热计配置与试样不同,则可能需要额外分析估计的热流密度。 1.4 单位- 以国际单位制表示的数值应视为标准值。本标准不包括其他计量单位。 1.4.1 例外情况- 括号中给出的值仅供参考。 1.5 本标准并非旨在解决与其使用相关的所有安全问题(如有)。 本标准的用户有责任在使用前制定适当的安全、健康和环境实践,并确定监管限制的适用性。 1.6 本国际标准是根据世界贸易组织技术性贸易壁垒(TBT)委员会发布的《关于制定国际标准、指南和建议的原则的决定》中确立的国际公认标准化原则制定的。 ====意义和用途====== 5.1 本试验方法可用于测量各种应用中金属或涂层金属表面的净传热率,包括: 5.1.1 将量热计置于流动环境(如风洞或电弧射流)中时的气动加热测量;量热计可设计为与实际试样具有相同的尺寸和形状,以最小化传热修正; 5.1.2 火灾中的传热测量和消防安全测试; 5.1.3 激光功率和激光吸收测量;以及 5.1.4 X射线和粒子束(电子或离子)剂量测量。 5.2 薄皮量热计是用于测量传热速率的许多概念之一。它可用于测量对流、辐射或对流和辐射(通常称为混合或总)传热率的组合。然而,当使用热量计测量辐射或混合传热速率时,应在光源的预期辐射波长区域内测量表面的吸收率和反射率,并尽可能作为温度的函数。 5.3 在里面 6.6和 6.7 结果表明,使用导热系数低的量热计材料可以最小化局部测量的横向热传导效应。或者,可以通过沿热量计的背面放置多个热电偶来获得传热速率的分布。 5.4 在高温或高传热率应用中,使用薄皮热量计的主要缺点是暴露时间短,这是确保热量计存活所必需的,因此可以使用相同的传感器进行重复测量。当需要进行燃烬操作以获得所需的热流测量时,薄皮量热计通常是一个不错的选择,因为它们的制造成本相对较低。 5.5 重要的是要了解量热计的设计(即 图1 )将测量进入薄皮热量计的“净”热通量。该配置可能与所需试样相同,也可能与所需试样不同。如果是相同的配置,则使用 等式1 可以直接使用。但如果配置不同,则应进行一些额外的分析。例如,如果实际试样的内表面上有一层绝缘层- 皮肤,但薄皮热量计没有,那么净热流从 等式1 与试样的响应不同。提到 附录X1 以进一步讨论此主题。
1.1 This test method covers the design and use of a thin metallic calorimeter for measuring heat transfer rate (also called heat flux). Thermocouples are attached to the unexposed surface of the calorimeter. A one-dimensional heat flow analysis is used for calculating the heat transfer rate from the temperature measurements. Applications include aerodynamic heating, laser and radiation power measurements, and fire safety testing. 1.2 Advantages: 1.2.1 Simplicity of Construction— The calorimeter may be constructed from a number of materials. The size and shape can often be made to match the actual application. Thermocouples may be attached to the metal by spot, electron beam, or laser welding. 1.2.2 Heat transfer rate distributions may be obtained if metals with low thermal conductivity, such as some stainless steels or Inconel 600, are used. 1.2.3 The calorimeters can be fabricated with smooth surfaces, without insulators or plugs and the attendant temperature discontinuities, to provide more realistic flow conditions for aerodynamic heating measurements. 1.2.4 The calorimeters described in this test method are relatively inexpensive. If necessary, they may be operated to burn-out to obtain heat transfer information. 1.3 Limitations: 1.3.1 At higher heat flux levels, short test times are necessary to ensure calorimeter survival. 1.3.2 For applications in wind tunnels or arc-jet facilities, the calorimeter must be operated at pressures and temperatures such that the thin-skin does not distort under pressure loads. Distortion of the surface will introduce measurement errors. 1.3.3 Interpretation of the heat flux estimated may require additional analysis if the thin-skin calorimeter configuration is different from the test specimen. 1.4 Units— The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. No other units of measurement are included in this standard. 1.4.1 Exception— The values given in parentheses are for information only. 1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 1.6 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. ====== Significance And Use ====== 5.1 This test method may be used to measure the net heat transfer rate to a metallic or coated metallic surface for a variety of applications, including: 5.1.1 Measurements of aerodynamic heating when the calorimeter is placed into a flow environment, such as a wind tunnel or an arc jet; the calorimeters can be designed to have the same size and shape as the actual test specimens to minimize heat transfer corrections; 5.1.2 Heat transfer measurements in fires and fire safety testing; 5.1.3 Laser power and laser absorption measurements; as well as, 5.1.4 X-ray and particle beam (electrons or ions) dosimetry measurements. 5.2 The thin-skin calorimeter is one of many concepts used to measure heat transfer rates. It may be used to measure convective, radiative, or combinations of convective and radiative (usually called mixed or total) heat transfer rates. However, when the calorimeter is used to measure radiative or mixed heat transfer rates, the absorptivity and reflectivity of the surface should be measured over the expected radiation wavelength region of the source, and as functions of temperature if possible. 5.3 In 6.6 and 6.7 , it is demonstrated that lateral heat conduction effects on a local measurement can be minimized by using a calorimeter material with a low thermal conductivity. Alternatively, a distribution of the heat transfer rate may be obtained by placing a number of thermocouples along the back surface of the calorimeter. 5.4 In high temperature or high heat transfer rate applications, the principal drawback to the use of thin-skin calorimeters is the short exposure time necessary to ensure survival of the calorimeter such that repeat measurements can be made with the same sensor. When operation to burnout is necessary to obtain the desired heat flux measurements, thin-skin calorimeters are often a good choice because they are relatively inexpensive to fabricate. 5.5 It is important to understand that the calorimeter design (that is, that shown in Fig. 1 ) will measure the “net” heat flux into the thin-skin calorimeter. This configuration may or may not be the same as the test specimen of interest. If it is the same configuration, then the results from use of Eq 1 can be used directly. But if the configuration is different, then some additional analysis should be performed. For example, if the actual test specimen has an insulated layer on the inside surface of the thin-skin, but the thin-skin calorimeter does not, then the net heat flux from Eq 1 will not be the same as the response of the test specimen. Refer to Appendix X1 for further discussion of this topic.
归口单位: E21.08