Soil quality — Procedure for site-specific ecological risk assessment of soil contamination (soil quality TRIAD approach)
土壤质量 - 场地特定生态风险评估土壤污染程序(土壤质量三元组方法)
ISO 19204:2017概述了土壤质量三元组方法在污染土壤现场特定生态风险评估中的应用。具体而言,它以透明的方式呈现了三条证据线(化学、生态毒理学和生态学),它们共同允许对受污染土壤进行高效、生态稳健但又实用的风险评估。该程序也适用于其他应力因素,如酸化、土壤压实、盐渍化、土壤有机物流失和侵蚀。然而,到目前为止,还没有获得使用这些其他应用程序的经验。因此,本文件的重点是受化学品污染的土壤。
鉴于本文件的性质,对调查程序进行了总体描述。它不包含实际评估的技术程序细节。然而,本文件包括与技术标准(如ISO 15799、ISO 17616)相关的参考文献,这些标准对三条证据线的实际执行非常有用。
ISO 19204:2017还可用于评估清理作业、修复过程或管理措施(即,在执行此类行动后评估环境质量)。
ISO 19204:2017 describes in a general way the application of the soil quality TRIAD approach for the site-specific ecological risk assessment of contaminated soils. In detail, it presents in a transparent way three lines of evidence (chemistry, ecotoxicology and ecology) which together allow an efficient, ecologically robust but also practical risk assessment of contaminated soils. This procedure can also be applicable to other stress factors, such as acidification, soil compaction, salinization, loss of soil organic substance, and erosion. However, so far, no experience has been gained with these other applications. Therefore, this document focuses on soils contaminated by chemicals.
NOTE 1 This document focuses on ecological risk assessment. Thus, it does not cover human health end points.
In view of the nature of this document, the investigation procedure is described on a general level. It does not contain details of technical procedures for the actual assessment. However, this document includes references relating to technical standards (e.g. ISO 15799, ISO 17616) which are useful for the actual performance of the three lines of evidence.
In ecological risk assessment, the effects of soil contamination on the ecosystem are related to the intended land use and the requirements that this use sets for properly functioning soil. This document describes the basic steps relating to a coherent tool for a site-specific risk assessment with opportunities to work out site-specific details.
ISO 19204:2017 can also be used for the evaluation of clean-up operations, remediation processes or management measures (i.e. for the evaluation of the environmental quality after having performed such actions).
NOTE 2 This document starts when it has already been decided that an ecological risk assessment at a given site needs to be performed. In other words, the practical performance of the soil quality TRIAD and the evaluation of the individual test results will be described. Thus, nothing will be said about decisions whether (and if yes, how) the results of the assessment are included in soil management measures or not.
NOTE 3 The TRIAD approach can be used for different parts of the environment, but this document focuses mostly on the soil compartment. Comparable documents for other environmental compartments are intended to be prepared in addition (e.g. the terrestrial aboveground compartment) in order to perform a complete site assessment, based on the same principles and processes.