Taking Small Steps Towards a Fully-Integrated Computer-Based Environment for Distribution System Operation, Maintenance and Management
为配电系统的运行、维护和管理采取一小步措施 建立一个完全集成的基于计算机的环境
This paper shows how one utility is working towards a fully-integrated computer-based environment for water distribution system operation, maintenance and management. The most critical step in this process is identifying the city's short-term and long-term goals that are associated with system integration. For this case, it was not economical to immediately implement this fully-integrated system. Rather, a first step was taken which satisfies the short-term goals while laying a foundation for fulfilling the city's long-term goals. This first step consisted of generating an integrated hydraulic model within a CAD environment while storing all hydraulic model and maintenance information within an RDBMS. This procedure of creating an information management system, which provides valuable features to satisfy short-term goals while at the same time may be easily incorporated into a larger structure to fulfill long term goals, is an important component of sound engineering design.