Rough-terrain trucks — Safety requirements and verification — Part 7: Longitudinal load moment systems
粗糙地形卡车 - 安全要求和验证 - 第7部分:纵向负载力矩系统
ISO 10896-7:2016规定了可用于崎岖地形卡车(以下简称卡车)的纵向负载力矩系统的设计、安全和验证要求。本文件提供了ISO 10896-1中定义的用于不平路面卡车的纵向负载力矩指示器(以下简称LLMI)和纵向负载力矩控制(以下简称LLMC)的要求,该卡车位于固定位置,在巩固、稳定和水平的地面上执行加载或放置功能。
-ISO 20297-1中定义的卡车;
-ISO 10896-2中定义的回转可变行程卡车。
ISO 10896-7:2016涉及与纵向荷载-力矩系统相关的重大危险、危险情况或危险事件,当按照预期使用时,以及在制造商可合理预见的误用情况下。
ISO 10896-7:2016不包括因横向不稳定或因卡车行驶引起的不稳定而产生的风险。纵向荷载力矩系统不用于警告卡车行驶时的倾覆风险。
ISO 10896-7:2016不适用于发布日期之前制造的纵向荷载-力矩系统。
ISO 10896-7:2016 specifies design, safety and verification requirements for longitudinal load moment systems which can be used on rough-terrain trucks (hereafter referred to as trucks). This document provides requirements for both the longitudinal load moment indicator (hereafter referred to as LLMI) and the longitudinal load moment control (hereafter referred to as LLMC) used on rough-terrain trucks, defined in ISO 10896?1, in a stationary position performing loading or placing functions on consolidated, stable and level ground.
It is not applicable to the following:
- lorry-mounted trucks as defined in ISO 20297?1;
- slewing variable-reach trucks as defined in ISO 10896?2.
ISO 10896-7:2016 deals with significant hazards, hazardous situations or hazardous events relevant to longitudinal load moment systems when used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer.
ISO 10896-7:2016 does not cover the risk due to lateral instability or instability due to the travelling of the truck. The longitudinal load moment system is not intended for warning of the overturning risk while the truck is travelling.
ISO 10896-7:2016 is not applicable to longitudinal load moment systems manufactured before the date of its publication.