Measurement of water flow in open channels, Part 5.1: Tracer dilution methods for the measurement of steady flow - General (ISO 9555-1:1994, IDT)
明渠水流的测量 第5.1部分:恒定流测量用示踪稀释法.总则(ISO 9555-1-1994 IDT)
AS 3778.5.1:2022同样采用ISO 9555 1:1994,其中涉及恒定速率注入法和突然注入法(积分法)的原理,以及适用于所有类型示踪剂的注入、采样和分析原理。
AS 3778.5.1:2022 identically adopts ISO 9555 1:1994, which concerns principles of the constant rate injection method and the sudden injection method (integration method), and the principles of injection, sampling and analysis which apply for all types of tracer.