Ships and marine technology — Vessel machinery operations in polar waters — Guidelines
船舶和海洋技术 - 极地水域的船只机械作业 - 指南
ISO 18215:2015的目的是为船舶设计和操作人员(船员)提供关于在地球极地极端条件下船舶操作之前和期间应考虑的机械关键问题的指导。本国际标准旨在补充国际海事组织《极地水域作业船舶规范》和IACS UR“I”《极地等级要求》。尽管本国际标准的应用主要仅涉及在极地地区作业的船舶,但一些设计考虑和规划可能需要在建造期间或造船厂环境中实施。
The intent of ISO 18215:2015 is to provide guidance to ship design and operational personnel (crew) on the critical issues to consider regarding machinery, prior to and during vessel operations in the extreme conditions of the Earth's polar regions. This International Standard is intended to supplement the IMO Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters and the IACS UR "I", Requirements Concerning Polar Class. Although the application of this International Standard is primarily concerned only for ships operating in polar regions, some of the design considerations and planning might need to be implemented during construction or in a shipyard environment.