Specifies features, facilities and special requirements for safety, performance, security and maintenance for television receivers and picture monitors which do not include reception facilities. Covers equipment supplied with or without a stand and composite video and RGB-video monitors with or without sound channels.Cross References:BS 415*BS 905*BS 1363*BS 2011:Part 2. 1*BS 2470*BS 3041:Part 2*BS 3042*BS 3549*BS 4464*BS 4727:Part 3*BS 4875*BS 5378:Part 1*BS 5817:Part 3*BS 5817:Part 7*BS 5819*BS 5873*BS 5942:Part 7*BS 6250*BS 6259*BS 6330*BS 6552*BS 6840:Part 3*BS 6840:Part 11*BS 6840:Part 13*BS 6840:Part 15*BS 9210:N0004*BS CECC 11000*IEC 130-8*IEC 130-9*CIE 15.2*Education Reform Act 1988*