Calibration of rubber and plastics test equipment. Calibration schedules-Degradation and environmental properties
橡胶和塑料试验设备的校准 校准时间表 降解和环境特性
提供一系列用于测量塑料和橡胶材料退化和耐环境性能的设备和仪器的校准时间表。交叉引用:BS 903:第A2BS 903:第A16:1990BS 903:第A19:1986BS 903:第A26BS 903:第A30:1996BS 903:第A33:1988BS 903:第A43:1990BS 903:第A44:1995BS 903:第A52:1986BS 2782:第1部分:方法135:1993BS 2782:第4部分:方法465A和465B:1979BS 2782:方法465C:1990BS 2782:第8部分:方法821A:1979BS 2782:方法A:1988BS 27833A:方法473BS 278B:方法478BS 278B:278B:方法478B:278B:第8部分:
第1BS 5233:1986BS 6900BS 7164部分:第3BS 7164部分:第14PD 6461部分:第1:1995BS EN 30012-1:1994BS EN ISO 846:1997BS EN ISO 899-2:1997BS EN ISO 4599:1997BS ISO 1110:1995ISO 483ISO 1431-3ISO 2230:1973ISO 4577:1983ISO 4649:1995IEC 296
Provides schedules for the calibration of a range of equipment and apparatus used for measuring the degenerative and environmental resistance properties of plastics and rubber materials.Cross References:BS 903:Part A2BS 903:Part A16:1990BS 903:Part A19:1986BS 903:Part A26BS 903:Part A30:1996BS 903:Part A33:1988BS 903:Part A43:1990BS 903:Part A44:1995BS 903:Part A52:1986BS 2782:Part 1:Method 135:1993BS 2782:Part 4:Method 465A and 465B:1979BS 2782:Method 465C:1990BS 2782:Part 8:Method 821A:1979BS 2782:Method 830A:1986BS 2782:Method 833A to 833C:1993BS 4778BS 5214:Part 1BS 5233:1986BS 6900BS 7164:Part 3BS 7164:Part 14PD 6461:Part 1:1995BS EN 30012-1:1994BS EN ISO 846:1997BS EN ISO 899-2:1997BS EN ISO 4599:1997BS ISO 1110:1995ISO 483ISO 1431-3ISO 2230:1973ISO 4577:1983ISO 4649:1995IEC 296