Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services-Headend equipment
BS EN 60728-5:2016规定了用于汽车头部的设备的特性
如IEC 60728-3所述,前端没有宽带放大器)。卫星
ETSI ETS 300 158中描述了固定卫星系统(FSS)的室外装置,以及
ETSI ETS 300 249中的广播卫星系统(BSS)。两种类型(FSS)的试验方法
ETSI ETS 300 457中规定了卫星室外装置的BSS)。IEC 60728的本部分涵盖了5 MHz至3000 MHz的频率范围;确定特定参数的性能要求;为某些参数制定数据发布要求;规定测量方法;介绍定义质量等级(Q级)的最低要求。IEC 60728的本部分规定了上游/下游信号的总体特性
IEC 60728。如果此类设备用于头端,射频、视频、,
交叉参考交叉参考:IEC 60068-2-2-1IEC 60068-2-2IEC 60068-2-2IEC 60068-2-14IEC 60068-2-27IEC 60068-2-30IEC 60068-2-30IEC 60068-30IEC 60068-2-40IEC 60244-5IEC 60528-1IEC 60728-2IEC 60728-2IEC 60728-3:2010IEC 60728-11IEC 61319-1ISO/IEC 13818-1ISO/IEC 13818-1ISO/IEC 13818-3ISO/IEC 13818-ITU建议。468-4ITU-R报告BT.624-4ITU-T建议J.61ITU-T建议J.101ETSI EN 300 421ETSI EN 300 429ETSI EN 300 468ETSI EN 300 473ETSI EN 300 744ETSI EN 302 307ETSI EN 302 755ETSI ETS 300 163ETSI TR 101 211EN 60068-2-1EN 60068-2-2-14EN 60068-2-27EN 60068-2-30EN 60068-2-30EN 60068-2-40EN 60244-5EN 60728-1EN 500723-1EN 60728-2EN 600319 IEC 618-61960417IEC 60617ETSI TS 102 831IEC 61169-2:2001IEC 61169-8EN 50083-9CLC/TR 50083-5-1ETSI ES 200 800ETSI ES 201 488ETSI ES 202 488ETSI ETS 300 248ETSI ETS 300 249ETSI ETS 300 457ETSI TS 102 034EN 60050EN 60130-
9EN 61169-2:2001EN 61169-8购买本文件时可获得的所有现行修改件均包含在购买本文件中。
BS EN 60728-5:2016 specifies the characteristics of equipment used in the headends of
terrestrial broadcast and satellite receiving systems (without satellite outdoor units and
without those broadband amplifiers in the headend as described in IEC 60728-3). The satellite
outdoor units for fixed satellite systems (FSS) are described in ETSI ETS 300 158, and for
broadcast satellite systems (BSS) in ETSI ETS 300 249. Test methods for both types (FSS
and BSS) of satellite outdoor units are laid down in ETSI ETS 300 457.This part of IEC 60728covers the frequency range 5 MHz to 3 000 MHz;identifies performance requirements for certain parameters;lays down data publication requirements for certain parameters;stipulates methods of measurements;introduces minimum requirements defining quality grades (Q-grades).This part of IEC 60728 specifies the overall characteristics for upstream/downstream signals
between external sources/sinks (for example, antennas, cable modem termination systems,
etc.) and the system interface to the cable network. In the case of modular headend systems,
single equipment items such as modulators, converters, etc. are also described. Cable
modem termination systems, encrypters, decrypters, etc. are not described in this part of
IEC 60728. If such equipment is used in headends, the relevant parameters for RF, video,
audio and data interfaces should be met.According to the definitions in 3.1, the headends are divided into the following three quality
grades:Grade 1: central headend;Grade 2: hub headend or hubsite;Grade 3: MATV headend/individual reception headend.Figure 1 shows the block diagram of a headend consisting of typical processing units with the
corresponding interfaces at the input and output.Cross References:IEC 60068-2-1IEC 60068-2-2IEC 60068-2-14IEC 60068-2-27IEC 60068-2-30IEC 60068-2-31IEC 60068-2-40IEC 60244-5IEC 60529IEC 60728-1IEC 60728-2IEC 60728-3:2010IEC 60728-11IEC 61319-1ISO/IEC 13818-1ISO/IEC 13818-2ISO/IEC 13818-3ISO/IEC 13818-4ITU-R Recommendation BS.468-4ITU-R Report BT.624-4ITU-T Recommendation J.61ITU-T Recommendation J.101ETSI EN 300 421ETSI EN 300 429ETSI EN 300 468ETSI EN 300 473ETSI EN 300 744ETSI EN 302 307ETSI EN 302 755ETSI ETS 300 163ETSI TR 101 211EN 60068-2-1EN 60068-2-2EN 60068-2-14EN 60068-2-27EN 60068-2-30EN 60068-2-31EN 60068-2-40EN 60244-5EN 60529EN 60728-1EN 50083-2EN 60728-3:2011EN 60728-11EN 61319-1IEC 60050IEC 60130-9IEC 60417IEC 60617ETSI TS 102 831IEC 61169-2:2001IEC 61169-8EN 50083-9CLC/TR 50083-5-1ETSI ES 200 800ETSI ES 201 488ETSI ES 202 488ETSI ETS 300 158ETSI ETS 300 249ETSI ETS 300 457ETSI TS 102 034EN 60050EN 60130-9EN 61169-2:2001EN 61169-8All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.