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现行 ASTM G74-13(2021)
Standard Test Method for Ignition Sensitivity of Nonmetallic Materials and Components by Gaseous Fluid Impact 用气体流体冲击法测定非金属材料和部件点火灵敏度的标准试验方法
发布日期: 2021-10-15
1.1 本试验方法描述了一种确定非金属材料(包括塑料、弹性体、涂层等)和部件(包括阀门、调节器软管等)对氧气、空气或含氧气体混合物等气体动态压力冲击的相对灵敏度的方法。 1.2 本试验方法描述了在高达69 MPa表压的动态压力操作条件下以及在高温下评估气体中使用的材料和部件时使用的试验装置和试验程序。 1.3 本试验方法主要是对气态氧中使用的材料和合格成分进行排序的试验方法。材料试验方法不一定适用于确定“使用时”配置中材料的灵敏度,因为材料灵敏度可以因材料配置、使用和使用条件/相互作用的变化而改变。然而,本文概述的部件测试方法可有效用于确定工作条件下部件的灵敏度。 该方法的当前规定基于对入口直径(内径)小于或等于14 mm的部件的测试(见 注1 ). 1.4 本标准描述了5 mm气体流体冲击灵敏度(GFIS)测试系统和14 mm GFIS测试系统。5 mm GFIS系统用于直接连接到高压源的材料和组件,并且材料/组件和压力源之间的体积最小。14 mm GFIS系统用于通过歧管或其他更大体积或更大尺寸的连接件连接到高压源的材料和组件。可以使用除这些尺寸以外的其他尺寸,但尚未尝试表征其他体积和几何形状的热轮廓(参见 注1 ). 注1: 本试验方法传递的能量取决于试样或供试品入口快速压缩的气体体积。因此,上游体积的几何形状(直径和长度)对试验至关重要,对将结果应用于实际使用条件至关重要。 因此,建议在将本试验结果应用于比本试验方法标准化的体积更大的体积的快速加压时应谨慎。本标准提供的能量基于内径5 mm×1000 mm长冲击管或内径14 mm×750 mm长冲击管中体积的快速压缩。本标准根据行业内的历史应用规定了这两个上游量。 1.5 当根据本文所述方法分析数据时,该测试方法可用于提供材料的批次间比较筛选。本试验方法对任何材料的可接受性可基于其50 % 基于数据的逻辑回归分析(本文描述)的反应压力或其点火概率。 1.6 许多ASTM、CGA和ISO测试标准要求通过气体流体冲击对材料和部件进行点火测试,也称为绝热压缩测试。 该测试方法提供了与这些其他各种标准的要求一致的测试系统要求。合格/不合格验收标准可在其他标准中提供,用户应参考这些标准。本标准提供了通过/失败指南,如第节所述 4.6 . 本试验方法旨在确保在不同实验室进行一致的气体流体冲击试验。 1.7 对于任何给定应用,用于验收、重新测试和拒收的标准,或材料和组件的任何组合,应由用户确定,且不通过该方法固定。然而,建议至少95 % 应为所有测试结果建立置信区间,因为该方法的点火固有概率,应采用适当的统计方法进行处理。 1.8 以国际单位制表示的数值应视为标准值。本标准不包括其他计量单位。 1.9 本标准并非旨在解决与其使用相关的所有安全问题(如有)。本标准的用户有责任在使用前制定适当的安全、健康和环境实践,并确定监管限制的适用性。 有关具体预防措施,请参阅第节 7. . 1.10 本国际标准是根据世界贸易组织技术性贸易壁垒(TBT)委员会发布的《关于制定国际标准、指南和建议的原则的决定》中确立的国际公认标准化原则制定的。 ====意义和用途====== 4.1 本测试标准描述了如何评估材料和组件对各种气体流体介质(可包括气体混合物)动态压力影响的相对灵敏度。 4.2 试样配置、厚度、制备和清洁度的变化或变化可能会导致其冲击点火灵敏度/反应发生重大变化。 对于材料试验,应在试验报告中规定试样配置。 4.3 试验系统配置的变化可能会导致气体介质动态压力波动产生的严重性发生重大变化。 4.4 反应表现为试样温度突然升高,气味、颜色或材料外观或其组合发生明显变化,如在试验后检查期间观察到的。气味本身并不被认为是发生反应的积极证据。当观察到试样温度升高时,必须通过目视检查确认试样反应。为了便于目视检查,可以使用小于10×的放大倍数。 4.5 在测试部件时,必须在完成规定的压力冲击循环后,拆卸供试品,并检查非金属材料是否存在着火迹象。 4.6 任何试样的点火或点火前体均应视为失败,并通过直接目视方式检测到的试验材料的燃烧、材料损失、烧焦或熔化来指示。 点火通常通过被测非金属材料的消耗来指示,无论是作为单个材料还是在部件内。也可能发生部分点火,如所示 图3 a、 b ,和c 在本试验标准中,也应将其视为点火(故障)。 图3 未经测试的PCTFE(放大10倍)(聚三氟氯乙烯)样品。 图3 b未经测试的尼龙(PA、聚酰胺)阀座(放大10倍) (续) 图3 c未经测试的销索引密封垫圈(放大10倍) (续) 注1: 就本标准而言,在这些条件或类似条件下目视出现的试样被视为代表点火。 图3表示部分反应的照片,包括烧焦、变色、熔化和材料损失或材料消耗。就本标准而言,在这些条件或类似条件下目视出现的试样被视为代表点火。 注2: 测试实验室人员可能会要求提供代表性(示例)材料或组件,以便与测试样品的测试后条件进行视觉比较。 4.7 对于材料测试,在多个样品上进行规定的程序,直到在各种测试压力下达到统计上显著的点火次数或无点火次数,或两者都达到。然后通过计算中值失效压力(即50 % 反应压力)或通过逻辑回归分析得出的点火概率与压力的函数形式。在类似配置中测试的材料可以根据这两个标准中的任何一个进行排名。初始试验气体温度可根据试验要求而变化。 4.8 对于部件测试,在定义的测试压力下进行指定数量的压力波动循环,通常由特定的行业测试标准规定。 通常,该压力是部件最大允许工作压力的1.2倍。初始试验气体温度可根据试验要求而变化;然而,最常见的初始测试气体温度为60±3°C。
1.1 This test method describes a method to determine the relative sensitivity of nonmetallic materials (including plastics, elastomers, coatings, etc.) and components (including valves, regulators flexible hoses, etc.) to dynamic pressure impacts by gases such as oxygen, air, or blends of gases containing oxygen. 1.2 This test method describes the test apparatus and test procedures employed in the evaluation of materials and components for use in gases under dynamic pressure operating conditions up to gauge pressures of 69 MPa and at elevated temperatures. 1.3 This test method is primarily a test method for ranking of materials and qualifying components for use in gaseous oxygen. The material test method is not necessarily valid for determination of the sensitivity of the materials in an “as-used” configuration since the material sensitivity can be altered because of changes in material configuration, usage, and service conditions/interactions. However, the component testing method outlined herein can be valid for determination of the sensitivity of components under service conditions. The current provisions of this method were based on the testing of components having an inlet diameter (ID bore) less than or equal to 14 mm (see Note 1 ). 1.4 A 5 mm Gaseous Fluid Impact Sensitivity (GFIS) test system and a 14 mm GFIS test system are described in this standard. The 5 mm GFIS system is utilized for materials and components that are directly attached to a high-pressure source and have minimal volume between the material/component and the pressure source. The 14 mm GFIS system is utilized for materials and components that are attached to a high pressure source through a manifold or other higher volume or larger sized connection. Other sizes than these may be utilized but no attempt has been made to characterize the thermal profiles of other volumes and geometries (see Note 1 ). Note 1: The energy delivered by this test method is dependent on the gas volume being rapidly compressed at the inlet to the test specimen or test article. Therefore the geometry of the upstream volume (diameter and length) is crucial to the test and crucial to the application of the results to actual service conditions. It is therefore recommended that caution be exercised in applying the results of this testing to rapid pressurization of volumes larger than those standardized by this test method. This energy delivered by this standard is based on the rapid compression of the volume in either a 5 mm ID by 1000 mm long impact tube or a 14 mm ID by 750 mm long impact tube. These two upstream volumes are specified in this standard based on historic application within the industry. 1.5 This test method can be utilized to provide batch-to-batch comparison screening of materials when the data is analyzed according to the methods described herein. Acceptability of any material by this test method may be based on its 50 % reaction pressure or its probability of ignition based on a logistic regression analysis of the data (described herein). 1.6 Many ASTM, CGA, and ISO test standards require ignition testing of materials and components by gaseous fluid impact, also referred to as adiabatic compression testing. This test method provides the test system requirements consistent with the requirements of these other various standards. The pass/fail acceptance criteria may be provided within other standards and users should refer to those standards. Pass/fail guidance is provided in this standard such as that noted in section 4.6 . This test method is designed to ensure that consistent gaseous fluid impact tests are conducted in different laboratories. 1.7 The criteria used for the acceptance, retest, and rejection, or any combination thereof of materials and components for any given application shall be determined by the user and are not fixed by this method. However, it is recommended that at a minimum the 95 % confidence interval be established for all test results since ignition by this method is inherently probabilistic and should be treated by appropriate statistical methods. 1.8 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. No other units of measurement are included in this standard. 1.9 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. For specific precautions see Section 7 . 1.10 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. ====== Significance And Use ====== 4.1 This test standard describes how to evaluate the relative sensitivity of materials and components to dynamic pressure impacts by various gaseous fluid media (can include gas mixtures). 4.2 Changes or variations in test specimen configurations, thickness, preparation, and cleanliness can cause a significant change in their impact ignition sensitivity/reaction. For material tests, the test specimen configuration shall be specified on the test report. 4.3 Changes or variation in the test system configuration from that specified herein may cause a significant change in the severity produced by a dynamic pressure surge of the gaseous media. 4.4 A reaction is indicated by an abrupt increase in test specimen temperature, by obvious changes in odor, color, or material appearance, or a combination thereof, as observed during post-test examinations. Odor alone is not considered positive evidence that a reaction has occurred. When an increase in test specimen temperature is observed, a test specimen reaction must be confirmed by visual inspection. To aid with visual inspection, magnification less than 10× can be used. 4.5 When testing components, the test article must be disassembled and the nonmetallic materials examined for evidence of ignition after completion of the specified pressure surge cycles. 4.6 Ignition or precursors to ignition for any test sample shall be considered a failure and are indicated by burning, material loss, scorching, or melting of a test material detected through direct visual means. Ignition is often indicated by consumption of the non-metallic material under test, whether as an individual material or within a component. Partial ignition can also occur, as shown in Fig. 3 a, b , and c , and shall also be considered an ignition (failure) for the purpose of this test standard. FIG. 3 a Untested PCTFE (10X Magnification) (Polychlorotrifluoroethylene) Sample. FIG. 3 b Untested Nylon (PA, polyamide) Valve Seat (10X magnification) (continued) FIG. 3 c Untested Pin-Index Sealing Washer (10X magnification) (continued) Note 1: For the purpose of this standard, test samples that visually appear in these conditions, or similar, are considered to be representative of ignition. FIG. 3 Photographs Representing Partial Reactions Including Scorching, Discoloration, Melting and Material Loss or Material Consumption. For the purpose of this standard, test samples that visually appear in these conditions, or similar, are considered to be representative of ignition. Note 2: A representative (exemplar) material or component may be requested by the test laboratory personnel for visual comparison with the post-test condition of the test samples. 4.7 For material testing, the prescribed procedure is conducted on multiple samples until a statistically significant number of ignitions or no-ignitions, or both, are achieved at various test pressures. The data is then analyzed by a procedure that calculates the median failure pressure (i.e., the 50 % reaction pressure) or the functional form of the ignition probability versus pressure by logistic regression analysis. Materials tested in a similar configuration can be ranked against each other by either of these two criteria. The initial test gas temperature may be varied as required depending on the requirements of the test. 4.8 For component testing, a specified number of pressure surge cycles are conducted at a defined test pressure, usually specified by a particular industry test standard. Usually, this pressure is 1.2 times the maximum allowable working pressure of the component. The initial test gas temperature may be varied depending on the requirements of the test; however, most commonly the initial test gas temperature is 60 ± 3 °C.
归口单位: G04.01
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