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现行 ISO 23300-1:2021
Railway infrastructure — Rail welding — Part 1: General requirements and test methods for rail welding 铁路基础设施钢轨焊接第1部分:钢轨焊接的一般要求和试验方法
发布日期: 2021-08-04
本文件规定了与焊接工艺、承包商、焊工、检验员的批准和/或认证以及工厂和/或轨道中焊接接头的验收有关的要求。 本文件适用于下列钢轨焊接工艺: 闪光对焊(FBW); 气压焊接(GPW); 铝热焊接(ATW); 封闭电弧焊(EAW)。 在这份文件中,43?千克/米到75?采用相同型材、相同钢种的kg/m新型平底钢轨作为焊接主体。 本文件没有规定每个焊接工艺的具体要求或试验方法。这些将在ISO的后续部分中规定?23300系列。 关于对接焊接,本文件仅限于连接导轨端部。 本文件不包括用于道口、铁路道岔、信号连接安装或轨道修复的焊接。本文件不涵盖焊接操作的任何安全规定。 在本文件中,没有规定经铁路当局批准从事钢轨焊接的个人和组织的资格。
This document specifies requirements concerning the approval and/or homologation of welding processes, contractors, welders, inspectors and acceptance of welded joints in the factory and/or track. This document is applicable to the following rail welding processes:
  1. flash butt welding (FBW);
  2. gas pressure welding (GPW);
  3. aluminothermic welding (ATW);
  4. enclosed arc welding (EAW).
In this document, 43 kg/m to 75 kg/m new flat-bottomed rails of the same profiles and same steel grades are used as the subject of welding. This document does not specify requirements or test methods specific to each welding process. These are to be prescribed in the subsequent parts of the ISO 23300 series. Concerning butt welding, this document is restricted to connecting rail ends. This document does not cover the welding for construction of crossings, railway switches, signal bond installation or restoration of rails. This document does not cover any safety regulations for welding operations. In this document, the qualifications of individuals and organizations that are approved by the railway authority for rail welding are not specified.
归口单位: ISO/TC 269/SC 1