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现行 ISO 21815-1:2022
Earth-moving machinery — Collision warning and avoidance — Part 1: General requirements 土方机械.碰撞警告和避免.第1部分:一般要求
发布日期: 2022-01-07
本文件提供了有关碰撞警告和避碰系统原理的术语和一般指南,用于: -?ISO?6165中定义的土方机械, -?ISO?19296中定义的移动式地下采矿机械,以及 -?ISO?22242中定义的道路施工机械。 本文件提供了物体检测、操作员警告、避免碰撞的自动干预控制和测试程序的一般要求。它旨在与ISO?21815系列的其他部分结合使用,这些部分为碰撞警告和碰撞避免系统提供详细的指导和要求,并确定风险区域和风险等级。 ISO?21815系列的用例部分定义了特定类型机器的具体要求和定义。 本文件涵盖了通过减速或运动抑制避免碰撞:不包括通过自动操纵(例如转向)远离预期物体来避免碰撞。 本文件中描述的系统仅用于协助机器操作员。安全操作机器的责任仍由机器操作员承担。 本文件不适用于出版日期之前安装在机器上的碰撞警告和防撞系统。
This document provides terminology and general guidance on the principles of collision warning and collision avoidance systems for: —    earth moving machinery as defined in ISO 6165, —    mobile underground mining machinery as defined in ISO 19296, and —    road construction machinery as defined in ISO 22242. This document provides general requirements for detection of objects, warnings to the operator, automatic intervention control to avoid collision, and test procedures. It is intended to be used in conjunction with the other parts of the ISO 21815 series, which provide detailed guidance and requirements for collision warning and collision avoidance systems and determining risk areas and risk levels. The specific requirements and definitions for particular types of machines are defined in the use case parts of the ISO 21815 series. This document covers collision avoidance by speed reduction or motion inhibit: it does not cover avoidance by automatic manoeuvring (e.g. steering) away from the intended object. The systems described in this document are only intended to assist the operator of the machine. The responsibility for safe operation of the machine remains with the operator of the machine. This document is not applicable to collision warning and collision avoidance systems installed to the machine before the date of its publication.
归口单位: ISO/TC 127/SC 2