Heating systems in buildings - Procedure for the preparation of documents for operation, maintenance and use - Heating systems not requiring a trained operator
建筑物中的加热系统 - 操作 维护和使用文件的准备程序 - 不需要经过培训的操作人员的加热系统
This standard specifies requirements for providing documents for the operation, mainte-nance and use of heating systems in buildings not requiring a trained operator.
Parts of heating systems covered by this standard are:
- boilers or heat supply equipment, including control;
- safety arrangements, including air supply;
- domestic hot water production facilities;
- energy sources, storage and supply;
- flue gas systems, including condensate treatment and disposal;
- heat distribution network, including associated components;
- heat emitters, including accessories;
- control system;
- water treatments and procedures (e.g. chemical and physical, including antifreeze).