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现行 AT-84-20-5
Protective Clothing: Study in Induced Thermal Strain and in Protection Against Thermal Radiation 防护服:诱导热应变和热辐射防护研究
在两项研究中,研究了不同种类服装的生理效应。有五名受试者参加的试验是在20°C的温度和50%相对湿度下使用跑步机(速度4 km/h,倾角5%)进行的。测量代谢率、心率、直肠温度、皮肤温度、皮肤水蒸汽压和出汗量。研究一显示了衣服下面的小气候对心率的影响,心率在30-31°C范围内小幅增加,然后在该范围以上大幅增加。在研究II中,进行了有热辐射和无热辐射的试验。 在热辐射的情况下,与轻型服装相比,这两种隔热服套装对穿着者具有很高的防护效果和利润,而熔化服的防护效果很小,但没有利润。引文:研讨会论文,佐治亚州亚特兰大,1984年
In two studies, the physiological effects of different kinds of clothing were investigated. The tests, with five test subjects, were carried out at a temperature of 20°C and a humidity of 50 percent RH using a treadmill (speed 4 km/h, inclination 5 percent). Metabolic rate, heart rate, rectal temperature, skin temperature, skin water vapor pressure, and sweat loss were measured.Study I shows the effect of the microclimate below clothing on heart rate, which is given by a small increase up to a range of 30-31°C NET and followed by a high increase above this range. In study II, tests were carried out with and without thermal radiation. In the case of thermal radiation, the two heat-protective clothing ensembles show a high protective effect and a profit for the wearer compared to light clothing, whereas the melter suit has a little protective effect but no profit.
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类