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现行 AT-84-20-4
Protective Clothing: Study in Induced Thermal Strain and in Protection Against Thermal Radiation 防护服:诱导热应变和热辐射防护研究
本文旨在展示一套给定服装在各种环境条件下隔热性能的差异,并讨论明确区分几种服装隔热性能的必要性:受姿势和风速影响的基本服装隔热Ic1;服装的热应力或热对流系数也受服装的影响; 由此产生的衣物隔热Ic1r功能的ICL和泵送现象也受差异、受试者所做的运动类型和衣物丰满度的影响。引文:研讨会论文,佐治亚州亚特兰大,1984年
The purpose of this paper is to show the differences in thermal insulation of a given set of clothing under various environmental conditions and to discuss the necessity of making a clear distinction between several kinds of clothing insulation: the basic clothing insulation Ic1 influenced by posture and air velocity; the effective clothing insulation Icle function of Icl and the fc1 coefficient which is also influenced by the nature (radiation or convection) of tie cold or heat stress and by the sweat content of the garment; the resultant clothing insulation Ic1r function of Icle and the pumping phenomenon which is also influenced by the differences, file tie kind of movement done by the subjects and the fullness of the garment.
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类