From March to November 2001, two-day comprehensive filter plant performance evaluations
were completed for forty-five small system rapid sand filter surface water treatment plants
(WTP). These evaluations were based on a format adapted from the EPA Comprehensive
Performance Evaluation (CPE) program. This program identified numerous design
deficiencies that had the potential to limit treatment plant performance. There were several
design issues common to the majority of plants reviewed and could have easily be corrected
through better design or construction of the plants. In most instances, these limitations could
also be corrected in existing WTPs with minor modifications.
Many of the design deficiencies seen in the small WTPs are also applicable to larger
WTPs. These limitations were seen in WTPs designed both by small local firms and large
national and international firms. While limitations were identified in this proactive approach,
the plants evaluated were operating with no known health problems.
The purpose of these evaluations was to review existing plant operations and to suggest
improvements to enhance the performance of water systems serving less than 10,000 people.
Filter Plant Performance Evaluations (FPPEs) were performed on 45 small system surface
water treatment plants that utilized rapid-rate filtration. FPPEs were accomplished by
reviewing historical turbidity data, conducting site visits and evaluating the design, operation,
and maintenance of each water treatment plant. Each visit included a comprehensive review
of the facilities, from the intake of the water supply to the entry point of the distribution
system. Includes tables, figures.