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现行 ASTM E2893-16e1
Standard Guide for Greener Cleanups 绿色清洁标准指南
发布日期: 2016-04-01
1.1 清理 地点 改善环境和公共卫生条件,因此可以被视为“绿色”然而 清理 活动使用能源、水和自然资源。过程 清理 因此,创建自己的 环境足迹 . 这 指导 描述了评估和实施活动的过程,以减少 环境足迹 的 清理 在美国的项目,同时在适用的监管框架内工作,并满足所有适用的法律要求。 1.2 这 指导 也可用作 地点 不在美国境内的; 然而,具体的法律参考不适用。 1.3 这 指导 描述了识别、评估和合并的过程 最佳管理实践 ( BMP )以及在认为合适的情况下,整合 定量评估 变成一个 清理 减少其 环境足迹 . 1.4 这 指导 旨在与任何 清理 框架,并应与其他技术工具、指导、政策、法律和法规相结合 更环保的清洁 实践、流程和技术 清理 项目。 1.5 这 指导 提供评估和实施活动的过程,以减少 环境足迹 的 清理 并不是为了指导 用户 如何清理污染 地点 . 1.6 ASTM也有一个 指导 关于将可持续目标纳入 清理 ( E2876 ). 那个 指导 为将环境、经济和社会方面的要素整合到 清理 . 这 指导 可提供实施协助 E2876 和其他可持续补救指南,如Holland等。(2011年) ( 1. ) . 1.7 这 指导 特别适用于 清理 而不是重新开发 地点 . 然而,合理预期使用 地点 ,如果已知,可能会影响 清理 目标和范围。 1.8 这 指导 不应被用作避免、最小化或延迟实施特定 清理 活动。这也不应该 指导 用作选择的理由 清理 妥协的活动 利益相关者 利益或目标 地点 . 1.9 这 指导 不取代与保护人类健康和环境有关的联邦、州或地方法规。未采取与实施本协议相关的行动 指导 对人类健康或环境产生不可接受的风险。 1.10 这 指导 可纳入补充标准, 地点 -与可持续发展或绿色环保相关的具体监管文件、指南或合同协议 清理 . 1.10.1 如果 清理 受监管计划管辖 使用者 应与负责 地点 这是怎么回事 指导 可以合并到 清理 以及监管机构是否认为适合 使用者 向监管计划报告过程和结果。 1.10.2 与合同相关的各方之间存在的合同关系或法律义务 地点 或 场地清理 超出了本文的范围 指导 . 1.11 这 指导 由以下章节组成:参考文件(章节 2. ); 术语(第节 3. ); 意义和用途(第节 4. ); 规划和范围界定(第 5. ); BMP过程 (第 6. ); 定量评估 (第 7. ); 文件和报告(第节 8. ); 和关键字(第节 9 ). 1.12 本标准并非旨在解决与其使用相关的所有安全问题(如有)。本标准的用户有责任在使用前制定适当的安全和健康实践,并确定监管限制的适用性。 ====意义和用途====== 4.1 目的- 这 指导 提供一个识别、优先排序、选择、实施、记录和报告活动的过程,以减少 环境足迹 的 清理 定义如下 核心要素 . 4.1.1 最大限度地减少总能源使用,最大限度地利用可再生能源- 减少总能源使用,同时确定在整个世界范围内增加可再生能源使用的方法 清理 . 可能的方法包括减少能源使用,使用节能设备,使用现场可再生资源(例如,风能、太阳能),以及从可再生资源中购买商业能源。 4.1.2 尽量减少空气污染物和温室气体排放- 减少总空气量 排放 包括…在内 排放 空气污染物和 温室气体 ,在整个 清理 . 可能的方法包括尽量减少空气污染物的产生和运输 污染物 和粉尘,使用高效的排放设备(例如,车辆和重型设备),使用先进的 排放 控制,并使用更清洁的燃料或混合技术。 4.1.3 尽量减少用水和对水资源的影响- 最大限度地减少水的使用和对整个区域水资源的影响 清理 . 可能的方法包括在 清理 过程,使用节水产品,捕获和回收水以供再利用,使用节水植物重新植被,以及使用传统的 BMP 用于雨水、侵蚀和沉积控制。 4.1.4 减少、再利用和回收材料和废物- 最大限度地减少整个过程中未加工材料的使用和废物的产生 清理 以及最大限度地利用回收材料。可能的方法包括使用回收和当地产生的材料,再利用废料(例如,由煤燃烧产品制成的混凝土),通过回收资源转移建筑和拆除垃圾的处置,以及使用快速可再生材料或经认证的木制品。 4.1.5 保护土地和生态系统- 减少对整个区域土地和生态系统服务的影响 清理 . 可能的方法包括最小化所需的面积 活动和使用限制 通过移除或销毁 污染物 ; 识别成熟、非侵入性原生植被、地表水文、土壤和土壤的存在并限制其干扰 栖息地 在 清理 地区最大限度地减少噪音和光干扰。 4.2 专业经验- 这 指导 需要 首席环境专业人士 和 项目团队 ,以评估和应用 更环保的清洁 实践、流程和技术 清理阶段 同时满足清理计划的具体要求,确保保护人类健康和环境。这 指导 假设 首席环境专业人士 精通 清理 在识别和满足适用法律或法规方面的实践和经验 清理 要求和期望。 4.3 绿色清洁的不确定性- 专业判断、解释和一些不确定性是 更环保的清洁 即使决策是基于客观的科学原则和公认的行业实践,也需要过程。 尽管这种不确定性是不可避免的,但它们通常不会影响 使用者 实现有意义的改进 场地清理 . 4.4 监管背景- 这个 使用者 负责确定监管环境,以及相关约束和义务 地点 ,并应遵守所有适用法律法规,包括 环磷酰胺 , RCRA , TSCA ,和其他 环境法 . 4.4.1 这个 使用者 应遵守《职业安全与健康法》和平行州法律法规下的健康和安全要求。 4.4. 2. 这 指导 可能不适合某些情况 清理 ,例如一些应急响应行动,没有足够的时间进行应用。 4.4.3 本协议的实施 指导 可能涉及额外成本或需要更改 清理 日程然而,它的实施不应过度拖延 清理 或导致征收不合理的费用。 4.5 流程实施- 这 指导 可在任何时间启动 清理阶段 ,包括: 现场评估 ; 补救措施选择 ; 补救设计/实施 ; 操作、维护和监控 ; 和 补救措施优化 . 4.6 流程概述- 启动时 使用者 应复习部分 3. ,然后转至第节 4. ,意义和用途,以及章节 5. ,规划和范围界定。 用户 谁计划实施 BMP过程 仅,应转至第节 6. . 用户 计划雇佣 定量评估 应转至第节 7. 在实施章节之前或期间 6. . 部分 8. 描述文档和报告。 4.6.1 部分 5. ,规划和范围界定,描述了 使用者 应收集并考虑协助制作 地点 -具体, 使用者 -为实施 指导 . 4.6.2 部分 6. , BMP过程 ,描述了 使用者 识别、优先排序、选择、实施和记录 BMP . 4.6.3 部分 7. , 定量评估 ,描述了实现 足迹分析 或 生命周期评价 . 部分 7. 不是为了指导 使用者 关于如何表演 足迹分析 或 生命周期评价 . 它假设 项目团队 精通 定量评估 适用于 地点 . 4.6.4 部分 8. 描述了有关实施的建议文档和报告 指导 . 4.6.5 部分 9 提供用于索引和搜索目的的关键字。 4.6.6 这 指导 包括四个附录。 附录X1 ,支持文件,为 使用者 在实施时考虑 指导 . 附录X2 技术总结表是第节中描述的报告期望的模板 8. . 这包括有关 地点 (例如,位置)、过程步骤和 更环保的清洁 实施 指导 . 这个 使用者 可以使用此模板或其他适用格式来报告实施本标准的结果 指导 . 技术总结表的可写pdf文件可作为附件提供。 5. 附录X3 , 绿色清理BMP 表,支架部分 6. 通过提供一份全面的 BMP 协助 使用者 . 标准最佳管理实践 清理 (即与工程和技术相关,但与减少 环境足迹 )通常不包括在 绿色清理BMP 桌子基于Excel的 绿色清理BMP 表作为附件提供。 6. 附录X4 ,a的补充信息 定量评估 ,支撑部分 7. 通过提供以下方面的一般信息: 足迹分析 和 生命周期评价 ,包括它们的用法、相似之处和差异。
1.1 Cleaning up sites improves environmental and public health conditions and as such can be viewed as “green.” However, cleanup activities use energy, water, and natural resources. The process of cleanup therefore creates its own environmental footprint . This guide describes a process for evaluating and implementing activities to reduce the environmental footprint of a cleanup project in the United States while working within the applicable regulatory framework and satisfying all applicable legal requirements. 1.2 This guide may also be used as a process for sites that are not located in the United States; however, the specific legal references are not applicable. 1.3 This guide describes a process for identifying, evaluating, and incorporating best management practices ( BMPs ) and, when deemed appropriate, for integrating a quantitative evaluation into a cleanup to reduce its environmental footprint . 1.4 This guide is designed to be implemented in conjunction with any cleanup framework and should be used with other technical tools, guidance, policy, laws, and regulations to integrate greener cleanup practices, processes, and technologies into cleanup projects. 1.5 This guide provides a process for evaluating and implementing activities to reduce the environmental footprint of a cleanup and is not designed to instruct users on how to clean up contaminated sites . 1.6 ASTM also has a guide on Integrating Sustainable Objectives into Cleanup ( E2876 ). That guide provides a broad framework for integrating elements of environmental, economic, and social aspects into cleanups . This guide may provide assistance with implementing E2876 and other sustainable remediation guidance, such as Holland, et al. (2011) ( 1 ) . 1.7 This guide specifically applies to the cleanup , not the redevelopment, of a site . However, the reasonably anticipated use of a site , if known, may influence the cleanup goals and scope. 1.8 This guide should not be used as a justification to avoid, minimize, or delay implementation of specific cleanup activities. Nor should this guide be used as a justification for selecting cleanup activities that compromise stakeholder interests or goals for the site . 1.9 This guide does not supersede federal, state, or local regulations relating to protection of human health and the environment. No action taken in connection with implementing this guide should generate unacceptable risks to human health or the environment. 1.10 This guide may be integrated into complementary standards, site -specific regulatory documents, guidelines, or contractual agreements relating to sustainable or greener cleanups . 1.10.1 If the cleanup is governed by a regulatory program, the user should discuss with the regulator responsible for the site how this guide could be incorporated into the cleanup and whether the regulator deems it appropriate for the user to report the process and results to the regulatory program. 1.10.2 The contractual relationship or legal obligations existing between and among the parties associated with a site or site cleanup are beyond the scope of this guide . 1.11 This guide is composed of the following sections: Referenced Documents (Section 2 ); Terminology (Section 3 ); Significance and Use (Section 4 ); Planning and Scoping (Section 5 ); BMP Process (Section 6 ); Quantitative Evaluation (Section 7 ); Documentation and Reporting (Section 8 ); and Keywords (Section 9 ). 1.12 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. ====== Significance And Use ====== 4.1 Purpose— This guide provides a process for identifying, prioritizing, selecting, implementing, documenting, and reporting activities to reduce the environmental footprint of a cleanup as defined by the following core elements . 4.1.1 Minimize Total Energy Use and Maximize Use of Renewable Energy— Reducing total energy use while also identifying means to increase the use of renewable energies throughout the cleanup . Possible methods may include reducing energy use, using energy efficient equipment, using on-site renewable resources (for example, wind, solar), and purchasing commercial energy from renewable resources. 4.1.2 Minimize Air Pollutants and Greenhouse Gas Emissions— Reducing total air emissions , including emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases , throughout the cleanup . Possible methods may include minimizing the generation and transport of airborne contaminants and dust, using efficient emitting equipment (for example, vehicles and heavy equipment), using advanced emission controls, and using cleaner fuels or hybrid technologies. 4.1.3 Minimize Water Use and Impacts to Water Resources— Minimizing the use of water and impacts to water resources throughout the cleanup . Possible methods may include conserving water use in cleanup processes, using water efficient products, capturing and reclaiming water for reuse, revegetating with water efficient plants, and employing traditional BMPs for storm water, erosion, and sedimentation control. 4.1.4 Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle Materials and Waste— Minimizing the use of virgin materials and generation of waste throughout the cleanup as well as maximizing the use of recycled materials. Possible methods may include using recycled and locally generated materials, reusing waste materials (for example, concrete made with coal combustion products), diverting construction and demolition debris from disposal by recycling recovered resources, and using rapidly renewable materials or certified wood products. 4.1.5 Protect Land and Ecosystems— Reducing impacts to the land and ecosystem services throughout the cleanup . Possible methods may include minimizing the area requiring activity and use limitations by the removal or destruction of contaminants ; identifying the presence of and limiting the disturbance of mature, non-invasive, native vegetation, surface hydrology, soils, and habitats in the cleanup area; and minimizing noise and light disturbance. 4.2 Professional Experience— This guide requires the skills of a lead environmental professional and project team , as appropriate, to evaluate and apply greener cleanup practices, processes, and technologies to each cleanup phase while meeting cleanup program-specific requirements and ensuring protection of human health and the environment. This guide presumes the lead environmental professional is knowledgeable in cleanup practices and experienced in identifying and satisfying applicable statutory or regulatory cleanup requirements and expectations. 4.3 Uncertainty in Greener Cleanups— Professional judgment, interpretation, and some uncertainty are inherent in the greener cleanups process even when decisions are based upon objective scientific principles and accepted industry practices. Although such uncertainties are inevitable, they typically will not detract from the ability of the user to achieve meaningful improvements in the site cleanup . 4.4 Regulatory Context— The user is responsible for determining the regulatory context, and associated constraints and obligations for each site , and shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including CERCLA , RCRA , TSCA , and other environmental laws . 4.4.1 The user shall comply with health and safety requirements under the Occupational Safety and Health Act and parallel state statutes and regulations. 4.4.2 This guide may not be appropriate for certain cleanups , such as some emergency response actions, that do not allow sufficient time for its application. 4.4.3 Implementation of this guide may involve additional costs or require changes to the cleanup schedule; however, its implementation should not unduly delay a cleanup or result in the imposition of unreasonable costs. 4.5 Process Implementation— This guide may be initiated at any time during any cleanup phase , including during: site assessment ; remedy selection ; remedy design/implementation ; operation, maintenance, and monitoring ; and remedy optimization . 4.6 Process Overview— At initiation, the user should review Section 3 , Terminology, and then proceed to Section 4 , Significance and Use, and Section 5 , Planning and Scoping. Users who plan to implement the BMP process only, should proceed to Section 6 . Users who plan to employ a quantitative evaluation should proceed to Section 7 , prior to, or during implementing Section 6 . Section 8 describes documentation and reporting. 4.6.1 Section 5 , Planning and Scoping, describes information the user should collect and consider to assist in making several site -specific, user -defined decisions for implementing the guide . 4.6.2 Section 6 , BMP Process , describes steps for the user to identify, prioritize, select, implement, and document BMPs . 4.6.3 Section 7 , Quantitative Evaluation , describes a process for implementing a footprint analysis or LCA . Section 7 is not designed to instruct the user on how to perform footprint analysis or LCA . It presumes that a member of the project team is knowledgeable in a quantitative evaluation approach applicable to the site . 4.6.4 Section 8 describes recommended documentation and reporting on the implementation of the guide . 4.6.5 Section 9 provides keywords for indexing and searching purposes. 4.6.6 This guide includes four appendices. Appendix X1 , Supporting Documentation, provides supplemental reference material for the user to consider when implementing this guide . Appendix X2 , Technical Summary Form, is a template of the reporting expectations described in Section 8 . This includes general information about the site (for example, location), process steps, and greener cleanup outcomes from implementing the guide . The user may employ this template or another applicable format for reporting results from implementing this guide . A writeable pdf file of the Technical Summary Form is available as an adjunct. 5 Appendix X3 , Greener Cleanup BMP Table, supports Section 6 by providing a comprehensive list of BMPs to assist the user . Standard best management practices for cleanup (that is, those related to engineering and technology, but unrelated to reducing environmental footprints ) are generally not included in the Greener Cleanup BMP Table. An Excel-based file of the Greener Cleanup BMP Table is available as an adjunct. 6 Appendix X4 , Supplemental Information for a Quantitative Evaluation , supports Section 7 by providing general information on footprint analysis and LCA , including their uses, similarities, and differences.
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