Sustainability in buildings and civil engineering works — Carbon metric of an existing building during use stage — Part 1: Calculation, reporting and communication
建筑物和土木工程的可持续性 - 建筑在使用阶段的碳度量 - 第1部分:计算 报告和沟通
ISO 16745-1:2017规定了确定和报告与建筑物运行相关的现有建筑物碳计量的要求。它规定了计算、报告和传达一套碳指标的方法,这些碳指标涉及既有建筑运营期间测量的能源使用、测量的用户相关能源使用以及其他相关温室气体排放和清除量产生的温室气体排放。这些碳指标分为三个指标,分别为CM1、CM2和CM3(见5.1.1)。
ISO 16745-1:2017遵循ISO 15392中规定的原则和第4条中描述的原则。如果与ISO 15392中的原则存在偏差,或规定了更具体的原则,则以本文件为准。
ISO 16745-1:2017不包括建筑物运行能耗的任何建模方法,但遵循其他国际标准规定的惯例,如相关条款所述。
ISO 16745-1:2017不是评估建筑物整体环境性能或建筑物评级工具的评估方法,也不包括通过权重或基准对碳指标进行基于价值的解释。
ISO 16745-1:2017规定了现有建筑(住宅或商业建筑)或建筑群的碳计量应用。
ISO 16745-1:2017 provides requirements for determining and reporting a carbon metric of an existing building, associated with the operation of the building. It sets out methods for the calculation, reporting and communication of a set of carbon metrics for GHG emissions arising from the measured energy use during the operation of an existing building, the measured user-related energy use, and other relevant GHG emissions and removals. These carbon metrics are separated into three measures designated CM1, CM2, and CM3 (see 5.1.1).
ISO 16745-1:2017 follows the principles set out in ISO 15392 and those described in Clause 4. Where deviations from the principles in ISO 15392 occur, or where more specific principles are stated, this document takes precedence.
The carbon metrics CM1 and CM2 are not quantified based on life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology. Carbon metric CM3 may include partial quantification based on the results of LCA.
ISO 16745-1:2017 does not include any method of modelling of the operational energy use of the building but follows the conventions provided by other International Standards, as given in relevant clauses.
ISO 16745-1:2017 is not an assessment method for evaluating the overall environmental performance of a building or a building-rating tool and does not include value-based interpretation of the carbon metric(s) through weightings or benchmarking.
ISO 16745-1:2017 deals with the application of the carbon metric(s) for an existing building, either residential or commercial, or a building complex. It does not include provisions for regional and/or national building stock.