Sustainability in buildings and civil engineering works — Carbon metric of an existing building during use stage — Part 2: Verification
建筑物和土木工程的可持续性 - 建筑物使用阶段的碳度量 - 第2部分:验证
ISO 16745-2:2017规定了现有建筑在使用阶段温室气体排放的碳计量计算验证要求,其中碳计量计算是根据ISO 16745-1进行的。
注:在验证之前,根据ISO 16745-1的碳计量是一项索赔。只有在根据本文件进行验证后,碳计量才能作为碳计量声明进行传达。
ISO 16745-2:2017 specifies requirements for the verification of a carbon metric calculation for GHG emissions of an existing building during the use stage, where the carbon metric calculation is performed in accordance with ISO 16745‐1.
NOTE Before verification, the carbon metric according to ISO 16745?1 is a claim. Only after the verification according to this document can the carbon metric be communicated as a carbon metric declaration.