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现行 NT-87-19-1
Bridge Deck Heating with Heat Pipes, Field Experience 桥面板加热与热管 现场经验
重力式热管是一种非常简单的装置,可以在相对较长的距离内被动传输热能。这些属性允许对使用可再生低品位热能的结构进行一些热控制。本文简要介绍了地面耦合热管系统的发展历史,以及用于桥面加热的两个水耦合和两个地面耦合热管系统的施工和性能细节。77华氏度(25摄氏度)的地热水和46华氏度(8摄氏度)的井水系统的结果表明,热管可以有效地用低温水加热甲板,而不会使其暴露在冷冻水的危险中。地面耦合系统的现场测试使用了80英尺(24.4米)长的热管,以及60个现场建造的热管和100英尺(31米)长的蒸发器。后一种系统加热了整座桥梁,每周平均表面温度提高了18华氏度(10摄氏度)。 单位:双引文:研讨会,ASHRAE交易,1987年,第93卷,第。田纳西州纳什维尔2号
Gravity-operated heat pipes are remarkably simple devices that can passively transport thermal energy over relatively long distances. These attributes permit some thermal control of structures with renewable, low-grade, thermal-energy sources. This paper provides a brief historical synopsis of the development of ground-coupled heat pipe systems, and construction and performance details of field tests on two water-coupled and two ground-coupled heat-pipe systems for bridge deck heating. The results from the 77 F (25°C) geothermal-water and the 46 F (8°C) well-water systems indicate that heat pipes can effectively heat a deck with low temperature water without exposing it to the dangers of freezing water. Field tests of the ground-coupled systems used 80 ft (24.4 m) long heat pipes, and 60 field-constructed heat pipes with 100 ft (31 m) long evaporators. This latter system, which heated an entire bridge, increased the weekly averaged surface temperature by as much as 18 F (10°C).Units: Dual
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类