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现行 SAE J1879_201402
Handbook for Robustness Validation of Semiconductor Devices in Automotive Applications 汽车应用半导体器件鲁棒性验证手册
发布日期: 2014-02-21
本文件将主要讨论汽车电子设备中使用的电子元件的固有可靠性。在可行的情况下,还将讨论外在可靠性检测和预防的方法。当前的手册主要关注集成电路主题,但可以很容易地适用于分立或无源器件鉴定,生成与这些组件相关的故障机制列表。半导体器件鉴定是当前手册的主要范围。 监测章节中特别提到了解决外部缺陷的其他程序。为了实现部件制造和产品使用零缺陷的目标,强烈建议应用本手册。如果它被采纳为标准,术语“应”将代表一个有约束力的要求。 本文件并不免除供应商确保产品满足其全部要求的责任。
This document will primarily address intrinsic reliability of electronic components for use in automotive electronics. Where practical, methods of extrinsic reliability detection and prevention will also be addressed. The current handbook primarily focuses on integrated circuit subjects, but can easily be adapted for use in discrete or passive device qualification with the generation of a list of failure mechanisms relevant to those components. Semiconductor device qualification is the main scope of the current handbook. Other procedures addressing extrinsic defects are particularly mentioned in the monitoring chapter. Striving for the target of Zero Defects in component manufacturing and product use it is strongly recommended to apply this handbook. If it gets adopted as a standard, the term “shall” will represent a binding requirement. This document does not relieve the supplier of the responsibility to assure that a product meets the complete set of its requirements.
归口单位: AUTOC