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现行 SAE J1211_201211
Handbook for Robustness Validation of Automotive Electrical/Electronic Modules 汽车电气/电子模块的鲁棒性验证手册
发布日期: 2012-11-19
本文档阐述了用于汽车应用的电气/电子模块的鲁棒性。在可行的情况下,还将讨论外在可靠性检测和预防的方法。本文档主要涉及电气/电子模块(EEMs),但也可以很容易地适用于机电一体化、传感器、致动器和开关。EEM资格是本文件的主要范围。解决随机故障的其他程序在CPI(组件过程交互)部分中有具体说明 10 本文件将在部件制造和产品使用的零缺陷概念的背景下使用。 建议使用SAE J1879 OCT2007《汽车应用中半导体器件稳健性验证手册》确保EEM中使用的半导体器件和其他组件的稳健性。本文档的重点是硬件和制造故障机制,然而,其他当代问题如中所示 图1 需要进行彻底的耐用性验证。当代问题的帕累托图显示在 图1 尽管本文档解决了所示出的许多问题,但是有些问题超出了本文档的范围,并且需要在彻底的RV过程应用中加以解决。本文档范围之外的问题示例包括系统交互、界面、功能、HMI(人机界面)和软件。在本手册出版时,已经启动了解决这些问题的系统级稳健性验证手册。
This document addresses robustness of electrical/electronic modules for use in automotive applications. Where practical, methods of extrinsic reliability detection and prevention will also be addressed. This document primarily deals with electrical/electronic modules (EEMs), but can easily be adapted for use on mechatronics, sensors, actuators and switches. EEM qualification is the main scope of this document. Other procedures addressing random failures are specifically addressed in the CPI (Component Process Interaction) section 10 . This document is to be used within the context of the Zero Defect concept for component manufacturing and product use. It is recommended that the robustness of semiconductor devices and other components used in the EEM be assured using SAE J1879 OCT2007, Handbook for Robustness Validation of Semiconductor Devices in Automotive Applications. The emphasis of this document is on hardware and manufacturing failure mechanisms, however, other contemporary issues as shown in Figure 1 need to be addressed for a thorough Robustness Validation. A Pareto of contemporary issues is shown in Figure 1 . Although this document addresses many of the issues shown, however some are outside the scope of this document and will need to be addressed for a thorough RV process application. Examples of issues outside the scope of this document are system interactions, interfaces, functionality, HMI (Human-Machine Interface) and software. At the time of publication of this handbook, a system level Robustness Validation handbook, which addresses these issues, had been initiated.
归口单位: AUTOC