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现行 ASTM F1301-18(2024)e1
Standard Practice for Labeling Chemical Protective Clothing 化学防护服标签的标准实施规程
发布日期: 2024-02-01
1.1 本规程涵盖了化学防护服中或其上标签的信息内容。当根据产品的尺寸或类型将标签直接贴在化学防护服上或将其印在化学防护服物品上不可行时,该做法还涉及在化学防护衣包装上贴上标签内容。 1.2 本规程描述了化学防护服标签上所含信息的推荐格式和最低含量。 1.2.1 就本规程而言,化学防护服包括但不限于: 西装、服装和偏身服装,如头套、围裙、护袖、手套和鞋类。 1.2.2 防护服是指用于隔离身体部位与潜在危险直接接触的任何单一物品或组合物品。它不包括设计为作为另一件物品(例如面罩或镜片)的一部分穿着的防护服的单个部分,除非它可以独立于其他物品穿着,并且仍然以保护的方式使用。例如,手套或靴子,除非永久固定在衣服或西装上,否则将被视为需要贴标签的防护服,而遮阳板或通气阀则不会。 总之,这种做法的目的是只要求对可独立用于保护用户的集成部件进行标记。 1.3 本规范不包括通过物品标签以外的方式提供的用户信息,如说明、信息包、宣传册或其他书面方式。用户信息在实践中得到部分解决 F2061 . 1.4 本规程不包括《美国联邦法规》第16卷第303节所涵盖的物品,除非专门设计用作化学防护服。 1.5 本标准并不旨在解决与其使用相关的所有安全问题(如有)。 本标准的使用者有责任在使用前制定适当的安全、健康和环境实践,并确定监管限制的适用性。 1.6 本国际标准是根据世界贸易组织技术性贸易壁垒委员会发布的《关于制定国际标准、指南和建议的原则的决定》中确立的国际公认的标准化原则制定的。 ====意义和用途====== 3.1 本规程包含关于识别化学防护服项目的最低信息要求的建议。 旨在为用户提供正确选择和使用化学防护服所需的一些基本信息。 3.2 对于一些化学防护服,如一次性化学防护手套,人们认识到直接在产品上提供标签信息是不现实的。因此,允许在包含产品的直接包装上提供这些信息。例如,可以将推荐的产品信息放在装有多副一次性化学防护手套的分发箱上。 3.3 允许将超出本规范建议内容的其他信息应用于标签。此附加标签内容可以包括声明,表明符合特定标准、警告、与产品相关的限制,以及实践中提及的某些类型的使用、护理和维护信息 F2061 . 3.4 《联邦法规》第16编第303部分中的规则和条例涵盖了纺织品中纤维的识别,特别是纤维含量的披露和产品标签的方式,目的是对进口产品征收关税并告知消费者。 本规程并非旨在取代16 CFR 303中的要求,该要求仍适用于某些类型的化学防护服。
1.1 This practice covers the informational content of labels in or on chemical protective clothing. This practice also addresses putting label content on chemical protective clothing packaging when it is not practical to attach the label directly to the chemical protective clothing or print it on the chemical protective clothing item based on the size or type of the product. 1.2 This practice describes the recommended format and minimal content of the information to be included on the labels used for chemical protective clothing. 1.2.1 For the purposes of this practice, chemical protective clothing includes but is not limited to: suits, garments, and partial-body garments such as hoods, aprons, sleeve protectors, gloves, and footwear. 1.2.2 Protective clothing is defined as any single item or combination of items used for the purpose of isolating parts of the body from direct contact with a potential hazard. It does not include individual parts of a protective clothing item designed to be worn as part of another item (for example, a face shield or lens) unless it may be worn independently of the other items and still be used in a protective manner. For example, a glove or boot, unless permanently attached to a garment or suit, would be considered a protective clothing item requiring labeling, while a visor or vent valve would not. In summary, the intent of this practice is to only require labeling of parts of an ensemble that can be used independently for the protection of the user. 1.3 This practice does not cover user information provided by means other than item labeling such as instructions, informational packets, brochures, or other written means. User information is partly addressed in Practice F2061 . 1.4 This practice excludes those items covered under 16 CFR 303 unless specifically designed for use as chemical protective clothing. 1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 1.6 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. ====== Significance And Use ====== 3.1 This practice contains the recommendations for minimal informational requirements for the identification of chemical protective clothing items. It is intended to provide the user with some of the basic information necessary for the proper selection and use of the chemical protective clothing. 3.2 For some items of chemical protective clothing, such as disposable chemical protective gloves, it is recognized that it is not practical that the labeling information be provided directly on the product. Therefore, it is permissible that this information be provided on the direct packaging that contains the product. As an example, it is possible to put the recommended product information on the dispenser box that contains multiple pairs of disposable chemical protective gloves. 3.3 Additional information beyond the content recommended by this practice is permitted to be applied to the label. This additional label content can include statements indicating compliance with specific standards, warnings, limitations associated with the product, and certain types of use, care, and maintenance information as addressed in Practice F2061 . 3.4 Rules and regulations in Title 16 Code of Federal Regulations Part 303 cover the identification of fibers in textile products, specifically the disclosure of the fiber content and the manner of labeling products for purposes of applying tariffs on imported products and for informing the consumer. This practice is not intended to be a replacement for the requirements in 16 CFR 303, which may still apply to certain types of chemical protective clothing.
归口单位: F23.30
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