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现行 BO-2376
Prediction of Air Flow and Comfort in Air-Conditioned Spaces 空调空间的气流和舒适性预测
空调系统必须满足许多要求。首先,它必须排除或提供热量,以保持一个方便的温度水平,并为房间提供一定量的新鲜空气。然而,仅以正确的数量和正确的温度供应空气是不够的;还必须根据热源进行分配,以便在空间的占用区域内获得均匀的热条件。图1显示了房间的剖面图。空气由天花板上的扩散器供应,并发展成在天花板下运行的壁面射流。在这种射流中,很容易预测夹带、温度和速度分布,扩散器的设计通常使射流达到房间长度的3/4时,速度降至给定的低值(即25 cm/s)。然而,在远离天花板区域的地方,它们之间的简单关系,比如说速度。与扩散器的距离将消失- 据说,射流会分散,而其他参数,如房间的尺寸和几何形状、负荷分布以及供给和回流之间的温差,都会对气流产生很大的影响。如果需要计算被占领区域内的卷吸、温度和速度分布,则必须考虑所有这些参数。本文将描述一种新方法,该方法可以预测房间所有区域的流量,包括占用区域,并考虑所有上述参数。该程序基于通过数值方法求解流动方程——五个非线性偏微分方程。本文还展示了预测的速度和温度分布如何成为确定在具有给定扩散器的房间中,在不同负荷和空气流量下可达到的舒适度水平的基础。引用:马萨诸塞州波士顿ASHRAE Transactions第81卷第2部分
An air coliditioning system must meet a number of requirements. Firstly, it must remove or supply heat in order to maintain a convenient temperature level and to supply the room with a given amount of fresh air. However, it is not sufficient that the air is supplied in the correct amount with the correct temperature; it must also be distributed with regard to the heat sources in order to obtain a uniform thermal condition in the occupied zone of the space. Fig. 1 shows a sectional elevation of a room. The air is supplied from a diffuser at the ceiling and develops into a wall jet running under the ceiling. In this jet it is easy to predict entrainment, temperature and 'Velocity profiles, and the diffuser is often so designed that the velocity falls to a given low value (i.e., 25 cm/s) when the jet has reached 3/4 of the length of the room. Away from the ceiling region, however, the simple relation between, say velocity.and distance from diffuser will disappear - the jet is said to disperseand other parameters such as the dimensions and geometry of the room, the distribution of load,and the temperature difference between supply and return will have a strong influence on the flow. If a calculation of entrainment, temperature and velocity profiles in the occupied zone is wanted, all of these parameters must be taken into consideration.This paper will describe a new method which can predict the flow in all regions of the room, including the occupied zone, taking all the mentioned parameters into consideration. The procedure is based on the solution of the flow equations - five nonlinear partial differential equations - by means of a numerical method.This paper also shows how the predicted velocity and temperature distribution can form ~he basis for determining the level of comfort attainable in the room with a given diffuser at varying loads and air flow rates.
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