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现行 BS PD CEN/TR 17231:2018
Eurocode 1: Actions on Structures. Traffic Loads on Bridges. Track-Bridge Interaction 欧洲规范1:结构上的行动 桥梁上的交通荷载 轨道桥梁相互作用
发布日期: 2018-08-09
BS PD CEN/TR 17231:2018审查了有关零件设计、制造和维护的现行做法 铁路轨道安装在支撑结构不连续处的桥梁和轨道。 审查了现行标准和实践规范,并回顾了一些特殊案例。该文件提供了有关当前最佳实践的指导,并对以下方面提出了建议: 未来的标准制定,并确定需要进一步研究和开发的领域 需要。交叉引用:EN 16432-2:2017EN 1991-2:2003EN 16432-1:2017EN 13674-1:2011EN 1990:2002EN 13232-8:2007+A1:2011EN 1991-1-5:2003prEN 13146-1:2017prEN 13146-7:2017购买本文件时可提供的所有当前修订件均包含在购买本文件中。
BS PD CEN/TR 17231:2018 reviews current practice with regard to designing, constructing and maintaining the parts of bridges and tracks where railway rails are installed across discontinuities in supporting structures. Current Standards and Codes of Practice are examined and some particular case histories are reviewed.The document gives guidance with respect to current best practice and makes recommendations for future standards development and also identifies areas in which further research and development is needed.Cross References:EN 16432-2:2017EN 1991-2:2003EN 16432-1:2017EN 13674-1:2011EN 1990:2002EN 13232-8:2007+A1:2011EN 1991-1-5:2003prEN 13146-1:2017prEN 13146-7:2017All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.
发布单位或类别: 英国-英国标准学会