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现行 SAE ARP5707
Pilot Training Recommendations for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Civil Operations 无人机系统(UAS)民用作战试点培训建议
发布日期: 2010-11-04
本文件提供了一种为无人驾驶飞机系统(UAS)飞行员开发培训主题的方法,供运营商、制造商和监管机构使用。培训主题的识别最初基于有人驾驶飞机飞行员的实践测试标准(PTS)主题。确定的主题可用于构建UAS商业飞行员操作的PTS和UAS飞行员仪器评级的PTS。UAS商业飞行员评级将包含对可以飞行的操作类型的限制,这将取决于所使用的UAS类型。UAS类型也会影响将涵盖的具体培训主题。本文件无意概述对其他机组人员(如观察员、有效载荷操作员或地面人员)的要求,也不区分不同级别的飞行员权限或讨论飞行员的角色-机长、辅助飞行员或观察员。本文件中概述的建议假设UAS飞行员认证不需要载人认证作为先决条件。对于经常性培训、特定医疗要求或UAS教员是否必须持有注册飞行教员(CFI)证书,没有给出建议。 在国家空域系统(NAS)进行商业运营的UAS飞行员的培训和认证是一个新领域。因此,本文件的范围仅限于提出一个初始框架来培训和认证固定翼UAS的UAS飞行员。随着社区的发展,认证和培训要求将变得更加详细和精细化。此外,还有其他类别的UAS需要在未来详细解决。其中包括旋翼、管道风扇垂直飞行和比空气轻的飞机。
This document provides an approach to the development of training topics for pilots of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) for use by operators, manufacturers, and regulators. The identification of training topics is based initially on Practical Test Standard (PTS) topics for manned aircraft pilots. The topics identified could be used for the construction of a PTS for UAS commercial pilot operations and a PTS for a UAS pilot instrument rating. The UAS commercial pilot rating would contain restrictions on the types of operations that could be flown that would be dependent on the type of UAS used. The UAS type would also influence the specific training topics that would be covered. This document is not intended to outline the requirements for other crewmembers, such as observers, payload operators, or ground personnel, nor does it distinguish between different levels of pilot authority or discuss the roles for pilot-in-command, supplemental pilot, or observer. The recommendations outlined in this document assume that UAS pilot certification will not require a manned certification as a prerequisite. No recommendations are given for recurrent training, specific medical requirements, or whether or not UAS instructors must hold a Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) certificate. Training and certification of UAS pilots for commercial operations in the National Airspace System (NAS) is a new field. Consequently, the scope of this document is limited to proposing an initial framework to train and certify UAS pilots for fixed wing UAS. As the community grows, certification and training requirements will become more detailed and refined. Additionally, there are other classes of UAS that will need to be addressed in detail in the future. These include rotary wing, ducted fan vertical flight, and lighter-than-air.
归口单位: AEROC