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现行 AASHTO R 94-19(2023)
Standard Practice for Quality Assurance, Job Site Quality Control, and Reapplication of Protective Sealers for Portland Cement Concrete 波特兰水泥混凝土用保护性密封剂的质量保证、工地质量控制和重新应用的标准实施规程
AASHTO R 94-19涵盖了保护性密封剂的质量保证测试和工地质量控制程序和测试方法,用于保护新混凝土或延长公路结构中使用的完好在用混凝土的寿命。假设密封剂已通过TP 96测试和预审。本规程提供了常规和现场产品质量保证的测试方法,以及评估密封剂现场性能的测试方法,并包括评估何时应重新应用的方法。密封剂分为两种基本类型:留在表面的涂层;渗透剂,渗透到混凝土中一定的可测量深度,并且不会显著改变混凝土的外观。
This practice covers procedures and test methods for quality assurance testing and job site quality control for protective sealers for protecting new concrete or prolonging the life of sound, in-service concrete used in highway structures. It is assumed that the sealer has been tested and prequalified through AASHTO T 384. This practice provides testing methods for routine and job site product quality assurance and for assessing the field performance of sealers, and includes methods to assess when reapplication should be performed.Sealers are divided into two basic types: coatings, which remain on the surface; and penetrants, which penetrate into the concrete to some measurable depth and do not substantially change the appearance of the concrete.This standard practice was formerly designated as provisional standard PP 73.