BS EN 60875-1:2015 applies to non-wavelength-selective fibre optic branching devices, all
exhibiting the following features:they are passive, in that they contain no optoelectronic or other transducing elements;they have three or more ports for the entry and/or exit of optical power, and share optical
power among these ports in a predetermined fashion;the ports are optical fibres, or optical fibre connectors.This standard establishes uniform requirements for the optical, mechanical and environmental
properties.Cross References:IEC 60027IEC 60050IEC 60617IEC 60695-11-5IEC 60825IEC 61300IEC/TR 61930ISO 129-1ISO 286-1ISO 1101ISO 8601EN 60027EN 60695-11-5EN 60825EN 61300EN ISO 286-1EN ISO 1101IEC 60068IEC 60974IEC 61300-1IEC 61300-2IEC 61300-3IEC 61753IEC 61754IEC 62005EN 60068EN 60974EN 61300-1EN 61300-2EN 61300-3EN 61753EN 61754EN 62005IEC Guide 104ITU-T Recommendation G.671All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.