Test conditions for numerically controlled turning machines and turning centres — Part 7: Evaluation of contouring performance in the coordinate planes
ISO 13041-7:20 04描述了一种根据ISO 230-4:19 96通过进行圆形测试和评估径向偏差F和圆形偏差G来检查车削中心(或数控车削)的轮廓性能的方法。
ISO 13041-7:20 04中描述的通过圆形测试进行检查的概念是仅在机器的每个坐标平面的一个位置、仅以一种进给速率验证圆形运动,并在相反的轮廓方向上重复测试一次。
ISO 13041-7:2004 describes a method of checking the contouring performance of turning centres (or numerically controlled turning) by conducting circular tests and by evaluating the radial deviation F, and circular deviation G, in accordance with ISO 230-4:1996.
The concept of checks by circular tests described in ISO 13041-7:2004 is to verify the circular movement only in one position per coordinate plane of the machine, at only one feed rate, and to repeat the test once in the opposite contouring direction.