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现行 4460(RP-1077)
Parametric Study of Charging Inlet Diffuser Performance in Stratified Chilled Water Storage Tanks with Radial Diffusers: Part 2—Dimensional Analysis, Parametric Simulations and Simplified Model Development 带径向扩散器的分层冷冻水储罐中加料入口扩散器性能的参数研究:第2部分——量纲分析、参数模拟和简化模型开发
通过将阶乘实验理论应用于经验证的计算流体力学(CFD)模型的模拟结果,对圆柱形分层冷冻水储罐中全尺寸径向进口扩散器充注期间的热性能进行了参数研究。第1部分描述了CFD模型的开发和验证。第2部分总结了参数研究的结果。确定了可能影响入口热性能的尺寸储罐和入口扩散器参数,然后使用白金汉Pi分析将其组成无量纲组。其中包括入口理查森数(Ri)、入口雷诺数(Rei)、扩散器半径与水箱半径之比(RD/Rw)以及扩散器半径与扩散器入口高度之比(RD/hi)。 热性能根据温跃层厚度和等效损失罐高进行测量。完成并分析了16个模拟,包括一个完整的因子实验。考虑的参数范围如下:Ri从1.0到11.1,ReI从1000到12000,RD/RW从0.2到0.4,RD/Hi从5到10。在这些范围内,Ri、RD/Rwand RD/HI被发现具有一级显著性,而Rei则不具有一级显著性。建立了热性能指标作为Ri、RD/RW和RD/HIT函数的回归模型,这些模型足够简单,可用于设计。这些模型与CFD模拟结果以及现场数据吻合良好。 摘自《国际供暖、通风、空调和制冷研究杂志》,第7卷,第1期,2001年1月,第51-65页。单位:双引文:阿什雷交易,第107卷,第。2.
A parametric study of the thermal performance during charging of a full-scale radial inlet diffuser in a cylindrical stratified chilled water storage tank was performed by applying factorial experimental theory to the results of simulations performed with a validated computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model. Part 1 describes the development and validation of the CFD model. Part 2 summarizes the results of the parametric study. Dimensional storage tank and inlet diffuser parameters having the potential to influence inlet thermal performance were identified, then formed into dimensionless groups using Buckingham Pi analysis. These included the inlet Richardson number (Ri), inlet Reynolds number (Rei), ratio of diffuser radius to tank radius (RD/Rw) and ratio of diffuser radius to diffuser inlet height (RD/hi). Thermal performance was measured in terms of thermocline thickness and equivalent lost tank height. Sixteen simulations comprising a full 2kfactorial experiment were completed and analyzed. Parameter ranges considered were as follows: Ri from 1.0 to 11.1, Reifrom 1,000 to 12,000, RD/Rwfrom 0.2 to 0.4 and RD/hifrom 5 to 10. Within these ranges, Ri, RD/Rwand RD/hiwere found to be of first-order significance while Reiwas not. Regression models of thermal performance metrics as functions of Ri, RD/Rwand RD/hithat are sufficiently simple to be useful for design were developed. These models agreed well with CFD simulations from which they were derived and with field data.Reprinted from the International Journal of Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research, Vol. 7, No. 1, January 2001, pp. 51-65.Units: Dual
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