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现行 SAE J2530_202412
Aftermarket Wheels - Passenger Cars and Light Truck - Performance Requirements and Test Procedures 售后车轮 - 客车和轻型卡车 - 性能要求和测试程序
发布日期: 2024-12-10
本SAE推荐实践提供了客车、轻型卡车和多用途乘用车正常公路使用的售后车轮的性能、取样、认证要求、测试程序和标记要求。对于乘用车、轻型卡车或多用途车辆牵引的拖车上的售后车轮,请参考SAE J1204。这些性能要求仅适用于由表1和表2所列材料制成的车轮。对于使用复合材料的车轮,请参考SAE J3204。添加了新的术语和术语,以澄清通常不在OEM应用中使用的车轮结构。测试程序和要求基于参考文献中列出的SAE标准。
This SAE Recommended Practice provides performance, sampling, certifying requirements, test procedures, and marking requirements for aftermarket wheels intended for normal highway use on passenger cars, light trucks, and multipurpose passenger vehicles. For aftermarket wheels on trailers drawn by passenger cars, light trucks, or multipurpose vehicles, refer to SAE J1204. These performance requirements apply only to wheels made of materials included in Tables 1 and 2 . For wheels using composite material, refer to SAE J3204. New nomenclature and terms are added to clarify wheel constructions typically not used in OEM applications. The testing procedures and requirements are based on SAE standards listed in the references.
归口单位: COMVC