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现行 SAE J328_202107
Wheels - Passenger Car and Light Truck Performance Requirements and Test Procedures 车轮 - 客车和轻型卡车性能要求和测试程序
发布日期: 2021-07-16
本SAE推荐规程为普通公路使用和客车、轻型卡车和多用途车辆临时使用的车轮疲劳试验提供了最低性能要求和统一程序。对于重型卡车车轮和打算用作双轮的车轮,请参考SAE J267。对于客车、轻型卡车或多用途车辆牵引的拖车上使用的车轮,请参考SAE J1204。这些最低性能要求仅适用于由下列材料制成的车轮 表1 到 4 中提到的最小周期 表1 通过 4 将用于单个测试和进行的测试样本,威布尔统计使用两个参数,中位数等级、50%置信水平和90%可靠性,通常记为B10C50。
This SAE Recommended Practice provides minimum performance requirements and uniform procedures for fatigue testing of wheels intended for normal highway use and temporary use on passenger cars, light trucks, and multipurpose vehicles. For heavy truck wheels and wheels intended to be used as duals, refer to SAE J267. For wheels used on trailers drawn by passenger cars, light trucks, or multipurpose vehicles, refer to SAE J1204. These minimum performance requirements apply only to wheels made of materials included in Tables 1 to 4 . The minimum cycles noted in Tables 1 through 4 are to be used on individual test and a sample of tests conducted, with Weibull Statistics using two parameter, median ranks, 50% confidence level, and 90% reliability, typically noted as B10C50.
归口单位: AUTOC