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现行 SAE J3016_202104
Taxonomy and Definitions for Terms Related to Driving Automation Systems for On-Road Motor Vehicles 与道路机动车辆驾驶自动化系统有关的术语的分类和定义
发布日期: 2021-04-30
本文档描述了[电机] 车辆驾驶自动化系统 执行部分或全部 动态驾驶任务 ( 滴滴涕 )我们有 持续 基础。它提供了一个分类法,其中包含六个级别的详细定义 驾驶自动化 ,范围从没有 驾驶自动化 (0级)至满 驾驶自动化 (第5级),在[电机]的上下文中 车辆 (以下也称为“ 车辆 “或” 车辆 ”)及其 手术 在道路上: 0级: 无驾驶自动化 第1级: 驾驶员辅助 第2级: 部分驾驶自动化 第3级: 有条件驾驶自动化 第4级: 驾驶自动化程度高 第5级: 全驾驶自动化 这些级别定义以及本文提供的附加支持术语和定义可用于描述 驾驶自动化功能 装在[电机]上 车辆 以功能一致和连贯的方式。“道路上”指共同服务于所有道路的公众可进入的道路(包括允许公众进入的停车区和私立校园) 用户 ,包括骑自行车的人、行人和 用户 的 车辆 有和没有 驾驶自动化功能 . 这些级别适用于 驾驶自动化功能 (s)在任何指明的道路上 手术 装备好的 车辆 因此,尽管给定的 车辆 可能配备有 驾驶自动化系统 能够提供多个 驾驶自动化功能 在不同的水平上表现 驾驶自动化 在任何给定实例中表现出的 特征 (s)已聘用。 本文件还提到了驾驶中的三个主要参与者:(人类) 用户 ,该 驾驶自动化系统 ,及其他 车辆 系统和组件。这些其他 车辆 系统和组件(或 车辆 一般而言)不包括 驾驶自动化系统 在这个模型中,即使作为一个实际问题 驾驶自动化系统 实际上可能与其他人共享硬件和软件组件 车辆 系统,例如处理模块或 经营的 代码。 的水平 驾驶自动化 通过参考三个主要参与者中的每一个在执行 滴滴涕 和/或 滴滴涕回退 在这种情况下,“角色”是指给定主要参与者基于 驾驶自动化系统 而不一定是给定主要演员的实际表现。例如, 司机 在1级自适应巡航控制(ACC)系统接合期间未能监控道路的人员仍然具有以下角色: 司机 ,即使她/他忽略了它。 主动安全系统 ,例如电子稳定控制(ESC)和自动紧急制动(AEB),以及某些类型的 司机 车道保持辅助(LKA)等辅助系统不在本范围内 驾驶自动化 因为它们不执行部分或全部 滴滴涕 我们有 持续 而是在潜在危险情况下提供瞬时干预。由于行为的瞬时性质 主动安全系统 他们的干预并没有改变或消除 司机 在执行部分或全部 滴滴涕 ,因此不被视为 驾驶自动化 ,即使它们执行自动化功能。此外,通知、警报或警告 司机 关于驾驶环境中的危险也不在此范围内 驾驶自动化 分类法,因为它们既没有自动化部分或全部 滴滴涕 ,也不改变 司机 在执行中的作用 滴滴涕 (见 8.13 ). 然而,应该注意的是,避免碰撞 特点 ,包括干预型 主动安全系统 ,可能包含在 车辆 配备有 驾驶自动化系统 在任何级别。为了 自动驾驶系统 ( 广告 ) 特点 (即3至5级)执行完整的 滴滴涕 、碰撞缓解和避免能力是 广告 功能性 (另见 8.13 ).
This document describes [motor] vehicle driving automation system s that perform part or all of the dynamic driving task ( DDT ) on a sustained basis. It provides a taxonomy with detailed definitions for six levels of driving automation , ranging from no driving automation (Level 0) to full driving automation (Level 5), in the context of [motor] vehicles (hereafter also referred to as “ vehicle ” or “ vehicles ”) and their operation on roadways: Level 0: No Driving Automation Level 1: Driver Assistance Level 2: Partial Driving Automation Level 3: Conditional Driving Automation Level 4: High Driving Automation Level 5: Full Driving Automation These level definitions, along with additional supporting terms and definitions provided herein, can be used to describe the full range of driving automation features equipped on [motor] vehicles in a functionally consistent and coherent manner. “On-road” refers to publicly accessible roadways (including parking areas and private campuses that permit public access) that collectively serve all road users , including cyclists, pedestrians, and users of vehicles with and without driving automation features . The levels apply to the driving automation feature (s) that are engaged in any given instance of on-road operation of an equipped vehicle . As such, although a given vehicle may be equipped with a driving automation system that is capable of delivering multiple driving automation features that perform at different levels, the level of driving automation exhibited in any given instance is determined by the feature (s) that are engaged. This document also refers to three primary actors in driving: the (human) user , the driving automation system , and other vehicle systems and components. These other vehicle systems and components (or the vehicle in general terms) do not include the driving automation system in this model, even though as a practical matter a driving automation system may actually share hardware and software components with other vehicle systems, such as a processing module(s) or operating code. The levels of driving automation are defined by reference to the specific role played by each of the three primary actors in performance of the DDT and/or DDT fallback . “Role” in this context refers to the expected role of a given primary actor, based on the design of the driving automation system in question and not necessarily to the actual performance of a given primary actor. For example, a driver who fails to monitor the roadway during engagement of a Level 1 adaptive cruise control (ACC) system still has the role of driver , even while s/he is neglecting it. Active safety systems , such as electronic stability control (ESC) and automatic emergency braking (AEB), and certain types of driver assistance systems, such as lane keeping assistance (LKA), are excluded from the scope of this driving automation taxonomy because they do not perform part or all of the DDT on a sustained basis, but rather provide momentary intervention during potentially hazardous situations. Due to the momentary nature of the actions of active safety systems , their intervention does not change or eliminate the role of the driver in performing part or all of the DDT , and thus are not considered to be driving automation , even though they perform automated functions. In addition, systems that inform, alert, or warn the driver about hazards in the driving environment are also outside the scope of this driving automation taxonomy, as they neither automate part or all of the DDT , nor change the driver ’s role in performance of the DDT (see 8.13 ). It should be noted, however, that crash avoidance features , including intervention-type active safety systems , may be included in vehicles equipped with driving automation system s at any level. For automated driving system ( ADS ) features (i.e., Levels 3 to 5) that perform the complete DDT , crash mitigation and avoidance capability is part of ADS functionality (see also 8.13 ).
归口单位: AUTOC