94/238/EC: Commission Decision of 15 November 1993 concerning the grant of assistance from the cohesion financial instrument to the following project in Ireland: Dun Laoghaire main drainage (Stage 1) No CF: 93/07/61/033 (Only the English text is authentic)
94/238/EC:1993年11月15日委员会关于向爱尔兰的以下项目提供凝聚金融工具援助的决定:Dun Laoghaire main Drainment(Stage 1)No CF:93/07/61/033(只有英文本是真实的)
94/238/EC:1993年11月15日委员会关于向爱尔兰的以下项目提供凝聚金融工具援助的决定:Dun Laoghaire main Drainment(Stage 1)No CF:93/07/61/033(只有英文本是真实的)
94/238/EC: Commission Decision of 15 November 1993 concerning the grant of assistance from the cohesion financial instrument to the following project in Ireland: Dun Laoghaire main drainage (Stage 1) No CF: 93/07/61/033 (Only the English text is authentic)