Graphic technology and photography — Certified reference materials for reflection and transmission metrology — Documentation and procedures for use, including determination of combined standard uncertainty
图形技术与摄影——反射和透射计量用认证标准物质——使用文件和程序 包括组合标准不确定度的测定
ISO 15790:2004规定了认证标准物质(CRM)的文件要求、CRM的使用程序,以及用于图形艺术、摄影和其他成像行业的反射率和透射率测量系统的组合标准不确定度的计算和报告程序。
ISO 15790:2004 specifies the documentation requirements for certified reference materials (CRMs), procedures for the use of CRMs, and procedures for the computation and reporting of the combined standard uncertainty of reflectance and transmittance measurement systems used in graphic arts, photographic and other imaging industries.