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现行 2902(RP-378)
Experimental Study on Condensation of Refrigerant-Oil Mixtures: Part I — Design of the Test Apparatus 冷冻油混合物冷凝的实验研究:第一部分——试验装置的设计
润滑油从压缩机曲轴箱迁移到蒸汽压缩制冷系统的其他部件(如冷凝器)是一种常见现象。制冷剂蒸汽冷凝过程中油的存在通常会对传热速率产生一些影响。本研究的目的是通过实验研究选定的冷冻油混合物对冷凝的影响。本研究中使用的制冷剂是R-12和R-22,而油是基于烷基苯的。蒸汽在单个和多个水平光管的外表面冷凝。本报告分为两部分。第一部分详细介绍了试验装置、控制装置、仪器和试验程序,第二部分介绍了R-12和R-22的试验结果。单位:SICitation:ASHRAE交易,1985年,第卷。 91磅。你好,檀香山2A
Migration of lubricating oil from the compressor crankcase into other components of a vapor compression refrigerating system, such as a condenser, is a common occurence. The presence of oil during the condensation of a refrigerant vapor will in general have some effects on the rate of heat transfer.The objective of this study is to experimentally investigate the effects of the selected refrigerant-oil mixtures on condensation. The refrigerants used in this study are R-12 and R-22, while oil is alkylbenzene-based. The vapor condenses on the external surface of single and multiple, horizontal plain tubes.The report presented here contains two parts. Part I gives the detailed description of the test apparatus, control devices, instrumentation, and the experimental procedures, while Part II covers the test results of R-12 and R-22.Units: SI
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类