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现行 3294(RP-378)
Experimental Study on Condensation of Refrigerant-Oil Mixtures, Part III: R-12 and R-22 on the External Surface of Single and Multiple Horizontal Finned Tubes 冷冻油混合物冷凝的实验研究 第三部分:R-12和R-22在单根和多根水平翅片管外表面上的冷凝
这是“冷冻油混合物冷凝实验研究”的第三部分本文给出了R-12和R-22在水平翅片管外表面的试验结果。本研究中使用的off是基于烷基苯的。纯制冷剂蒸汽试验和蒸汽-油混合物试验均在两种不同的冷凝温度下进行——分别为32.2°C和40.5°C(90°F和105°F)。研究发现,在R-12和R-22蒸汽中,任何质量比的油都会降低冷凝系数。然而,冷凝系数的降低与翅片管制冷剂蒸汽中油的百分比不成正比。至于冷凝器的压降,制冷剂蒸汽中的油的影响不明显。 引文:ASHRAE Transactions,第95卷,pt。1989年,温哥华
This is the third part of the "Experimental Study on Condensation of Refrigerant-Oil Mixtures." Presented here are the test results of R-12 and R-22 on the external surface of horizontal finned tubes. The off used in this study is alkylbenzene-based. Both pure refrigerant vapor tests and vapor-oil mixture tests were conducted at two different condensing temperatures--32.2° and 40.5°C (90 ° and 105°F), respectively. It was found that the presence of oil in R-12 and R-22 vapor with any mass ratio lowers the condensing coefficient. However, the reduction of the condensing coefficient is not proportional to the percent of oil in the refrigerant vapors for the finned tubes. As for the pressure drop across the condenser, the effect of oil in the refrigerant vapors is not noticeable.
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类