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现行 ASTM F3470-20
Standard Guide for A-UGV Capabilities 无人地面车辆能力标准指南
发布日期: 2020-08-01
1.1 本指南根据以下能力类别列表对自动至自动无人地面车辆(A-UGV)的自主能力进行分类: (a) 目标导航:预编程 ; (b) 目标导航:原位 ; (c) 本地化 ; (d) 对接 -基础设施依赖性; (e) 避障 -可避免且在A-UGV包络内的物体类型,以及可避免且在A-UGV包络外的物体类型; (f) 更改轮廓面积或包络 ; (g) 更改有效负载 ; (h) 沟通行为受损 ; (一) 失去沟通行为 ; (j) 环境条件 ; (k) 车队补给 -车队任务分配、信息共享/更新、车队导航协调和车队任务协调。 1.2 本指南为a-UGV制造商和用户提供了将预期任务与a-UGV能力进行比较的基础。本指南无意涵盖无人值守地面车辆可以执行的所有相关能力或类别。相反,本指南提供了一种定义无人值守地面车辆能力的方法,以及在表1所列指定类别内的无人值守地面车辆能力限制 1.1 . 1.3 一个或多个能力可用于定义A-UGV能力,但并非所有类别都需要用于定义A-UGV的能力- 无人值守地面车辆。 1.4 以国际单位制表示的数值应视为标准。括号中给出的值不是英制单位的精确数学转换。它们是近似等效物,用于指定材料尺寸或数量,以避免试验装置的过度制造成本,同时保持试验方法结果的重复性和再现性。括号中给出的这些值仅供参考,不被视为标准值。 1.5 本标准并非旨在解决与其使用相关的所有安全问题(如有)。 本标准的用户有责任在使用前制定适当的安全、健康和环境实践,并确定监管限制的适用性。 1.6 本国际标准是根据世界贸易组织技术性贸易壁垒(TBT)委员会发布的《关于制定国际标准、指南和建议的原则的决定》中确立的国际公认标准化原则制定的。 ====意义和用途====== 5.1 本指南旨在供制造商和用户使用- 无人值守地面车辆:( 1. )全面定义其A-UGV或( 2. )允许标准请求者描述所请求的无人值守地面车辆与分配的任务对齐所需的无人值守地面车辆能力。ASTM委员会F45中涵盖的A-UGV是工业车辆,例如,可以通过移动机器人作为自动引导车辆,可以通过自主控制进行预编程,可以在无限多样的环境条件下在室内或室外操作,因此具有无限多样的功能。为了充分描述和衡量这些车辆的有用性,可以将功能分为多个类别,其中可以独立衡量相关功能。 因此,本指南对当前全球营销的无人值守地面车辆的许多(可能不是全部)类别和能力进行了分解。 5.2 能力类别: 5.2.1 目标导航:预编程- 能力是无人值守地面车辆在通往最终目标的道路上导航一系列外部定义的航路点的各种能力。 5.2.2 目标导航:原位- 能力是指无人值守地面车辆通过使用无人值守地面车辆系统的内部逻辑来确定路线,从而导航到最终目标的各种能力。 5.2.3 本地化- 能力是指无人值守地面车辆在环境地图中确定其位姿的各种能力。 5.2.4 对接- 能力是指无人值守地面车辆在相对于另一物体的位置或环境中的绝对位置停止的各种能力。 基础设施依赖性- 描述无人值守地面车辆需要依赖环境中的功能进行目标导航的子类别:预编程、目标导航:原位、定位或对接。 5.2.5 避障:单车- 能力是指无人值守地面车辆不与障碍物碰撞的各种能力。 A-UGV包络内可避免的物体类型- 描述可以避免的对象类型,如 5.2.6 ,并且在A-UGV信封内。 可以避免且位于A-UGV包络线之外的物体类型- 描述A-UGV可以避免的物体类型,如 5.2.6 ,并且位于A-UGV封套之外。 5.2.6 更改轮廓面积或包络- A-UGV可以使用库存设置或在操作、停止或移动时更改轮廓区域或包络。 5.2.7 更改有效负载- 无人值守地面车辆可以在100°时运输固定或移动的有效载荷 % 额定重量和速度。 5.2.8 沟通行为受损- A-UGV在通信中断时的动作。 5.2.9 失去沟通行为- 通信停止时A-UGV动作。 5.2.10 环境条件- 能力是无人值守地面车辆克服环境条件的各种能力。部分 5.4 提供参考入口保护(IP)额定值的示例标准和实践中引用的示例 F3218 -18影响机动性,其他环境条件也可能影响A-UGV能力(例如,电气干扰、湿度等)。 5.3 车队类别: 5.3.1 无人值守地面车辆的车队在术语中定义 F3200 作为车辆的协调集合。以下与车队相关的章节提供了单个车队所需能力类别的描述- 无人值守地面车辆是车队中的一种车辆。 5.3.2 车队补给- 与车队相比,A-UGV类型:同质(与车队内车辆的类型和配置相同)或异质(与车队内车辆的类型或配置不同)。 车队任务分配- 任务可以单独交给A-UGV,也可以集体交给A-UGV和车队内的其他车辆。 信息共享/更新(例如,障碍物的存在、环境地图的变化)- 无人值守地面车辆可以向其他无人值守地面车辆或传感器提供/接收数据或知识。 船队导航协调- A-UGV可以通过车队控制器与车队交互,以获得A-UGV导航权限或其他导航要求。 车队任务协调- A-UGV可以共享车队可以用来完成操作的功能(例如,任务完成要求,例如:辊道对接问题导致捡拾位置移动;需要单元装载机而不是叉车)。下文列出并描述了无人值守地面车辆的类别和能力。对于当前可用的测试方法,例如测试方法,标准测试方法也显示在能力范围内的括号中 F3244 ,以允许重复测试能力。 5.4 目标导航:预编程: 5.4.1 可以导航到目标的预编程路径(测试方法 F3244 ). 5.4.2 如果遇到障碍,可以离开预编程路径并返回到目标的预编程路径(测试方法 F3244 实践 F3381 ). 5.4.3 如果被阻止,可以导航到目标的备用预编程路径,例如,导航到不同的走廊/过道。 5.4.4 如果被阻止,可以导航多条备用的预编程路径到目标,例如,如果第二条走廊/走道被阻止,则导航第三条走廊/走道。 5.5 目标导航: 现场: 5.5.1 可以确定并导航到目标的初始路径(测试方法 F3244 ). 5.5.2 如果被阻止,可以确定并导航到目标的备用路径,例如,导航到不同的走廊/过道。 5.5.3 如果受阻,可以确定并导航多条通往目标的备选路径,例如,如果第二条走廊/走道受阻,则导航第三条走廊/走道。 5.6 本地化: 5.6.1 无人值守地面车辆可以自动找到其初始位姿。 5.6.2 给定初始位姿,无人值守地面车辆不会在静态环境中迷失方向,例如,办公楼(测试方法 F3244 实践 F3381 ). 5.6.3 给定初始姿势- UGV不会在动态环境中丢失,例如,移动托盘的仓库(测试方法 F3244 ). 5.6.4 假设A-UGV已正确定位,它将被强制取消定位,然后停止并需要人工干预才能重新启动。例如,当A-UGV被捡起并移动到另一个位置(被绑架)或通过软件被故意告知其位于错误位置(既有一个非常偏离的位置,也有一个别名位置,例如一个走道偏离)时,A-UGV将被强制取消定位。 5.6.5 A-UGV可以在被强制取消定位后自动确定其位姿。 5.6.6 A-UGV可以根据检测到的环境变化更新其环境地图,例如连续SLAM。 5.7 对接: 5.7.1 可以定位在预先编程的航路点,例如绝对坐标。 5.7.2 可以与静态对象对接,例如输送机。 5.7.3 可以与可移动但静止的物体对接,例如,其他车辆、托盘或手推车。 5.7.4 可以在无人值守地面车辆和码头之间协调移动,例如空中加油。 5.8 基础设施依赖性- 能够依赖环境中的功能。该类别是目标导航的子集:Pre- 编程的目标导航:原位、定位和对接。 5.8.1 可以依赖环境中专门安装的用于辅助无人值守地面车辆操作的功能,例如磁带、二维码。 5.8.2 可以依靠自然特征,例如墙壁、货架。 5.9 避障: 5.9.1 当路径受阻时可以停止,例如,路径中的托盘(测试方法 F3244 实践 F3381 ,试验方法 F3265 ). 5.9.2 可以在没有碰撞的情况下绕静态障碍物导航,例如,绕部分堵塞走廊的箱子导航(测试方法 F3244 实践 F3381 ,试验方法 F3265 ). 5.9.3 可以在移动障碍物周围导航而不发生碰撞,例如,在穿过a-UGV路径的移动车辆周围导航(测试方法 F3244 ,试验方法 F3265 ). 5.10 A-UGV包络内可避免的物体类型 (实践 F3381 ): 5.10.1 地面障碍物高度小于10 cm。 5.10.2 地面障碍物高度为10厘米至20厘米。注意,20 cm基于ITSDF B56.5中描述的试样尺寸。 5.10.3 地面障碍物高度大于20厘米。 5.10.4 高架/悬浮 ≥ 20 cm,在A-UGV包络线内,<10 cm障碍物高度。从障碍物底部到地面测量高度。 5.10.5 高架/悬浮 ≥ 20厘米,在A-UGV信封内, ≥ 10 cm障碍物高度。 5.11 可以避免且位于A-UGV包络线之外的物体类型 : 5.11.1 消极障碍, ≤ 1厘米障碍物高度,例如,缺少瓷砖。 5.11.2 负面障碍,>1到 ≤ 10 cm障碍物高度,例如活动地板上的可拆卸面板。 5.11.3 负障碍物,>10 cm障碍物高度,例如装货码头、悬崖、人孔。 5.11.4 在A-UGV包络线上方和A-UGV包络线垂直投影内升高/悬浮。 5.11.5 在A-UGV信封旁边。 5.12 更改轮廓区域或包络: 5.12.1 可以从库存设置更改轮廓区域; 5.12.2 可以在操作和停止时改变轮廓区域; 5.12.3 可以在操作和移动时改变轮廓区域; 5.12.4 可以从库存设置更改信封; 5.12.5 可以在运行和停止时更改信封,以及; 5.12.6 可以在操作和移动时更改封套。 5.13 更改有效负载: 5.13.1 可以在100%时传输固定有效载荷 % 额定重量、速度和; 5.13.2 可以以100%的速度运输移动的有效载荷(例如,机器人臂、液罐、移动负载、未固定(在箱子中)、拖车负载) % 额定重量、速度。 5.14 沟通行为受损 (所有小节 5.20 和 5.21 可参考测试方法 F3244 ) : 5.14.1 当通信受损时,A-UGV停止,当通信恢复时,需要人为干预以重新启动正常操作。 5.14.2 当通信受损时,A-UGV停止,当通信恢复时,无需人为干预即可重新启动正常操作。 5.14.3 当通信受损时,A-UGV修改了操作,例如,降低行驶速度。 5.14.4 当通信受损时,继续正常运行。 5.15 失去沟通行为: 5.15.1 当通信中断时- 无人值守地面车辆停止,当通信恢复时,需要人工干预才能重新开始正常运行。 5.15.2 当通信中断时,A-UGV停止,当通信恢复时,无需人为干预即可重新启动正常操作。 5.15.3 当通信中断时,无人值守地面车辆修改了操作,例如,减慢行驶速度。 5.15.4 当通信中断时,继续正常运行。 5.16 环境条件: 5.16.1 IP等级:参考IP等级表,例如EN 60529(英国BS EN 60529:1992,欧洲IEC 60509:1989)。 5.16.2 对于每种能力,列出环境条件(实践 F3218 )A-UGV可以在其下运行(例如,移动性:海拔向上/向下变化的地面;间隙;坡度;可变形性;波动;地面颗粒;摩擦系数;边界(例如,冷藏帘))。 5.17 车队组成: 5.17.1 同质A-UGV。 5.17.2 异质A-UGV: 同一制造商, 具有不同配置的同一制造商,以及, 不同的制造商。 5.18 车队任务分配: 5.18.1 手动任务分配- 给每个A-UGV分配自己的任务; 5.18.2 自动任务分配- 向车队控制员提供由A执行的任务- 无人值守地面车辆。 5.19 信息共享/更新,例如障碍物的存在、环境地图的变化: 5.19.1 一辆无人值守地面车辆的信息与同一制造商车队中的一辆或多辆无人值守地面车辆共享; 5.19.2 一辆无人值守地面车辆的信息与其车队中来自不同制造商的一辆或多辆无人值守地面车辆共享; 5.19.3 来自连接到a-UGV系统的传感器的信息通知其车队中来自同一制造商的一个或多个a-UGV; 5.19.4 来自连接到a-UGV系统的传感器的信息通知其车队中来自不同制造商的一个或多个a-UGV; 5.19.5 外部系统可以通知车队。 5.20 船队导航协调: 5.20.1 停车并等待使用交通区的许可(每个交通区一辆a-UGV); 5.20.2 获得使用交通区域而不需要停车的许可(每个交通区域一辆a-UGV); 5.20.3 停车并等待使用交通区的许可(每个交通区超过一辆a-UGV); 5.20.4 获得在不需要停车的情况下使用交通区域的许可(每个交通区域超过一辆a-UGV); 5.20.5 不需要交通区域,需要与车队控制员或其他车辆或其组合进行通信; 5.20.6 不需要交通区域,也不需要与车队控制员或其他车辆或其组合进行通信。 5.21 车队任务协调: 5.21.1 只有当任务能够被执行时,才能给出任务; 5.21.2 可以给未来任务需要的时间; 5.21.3 任务由一辆无人值守地面车辆执行,但只能由车队的一个子集执行; 5.21.4 任务可能需要多个A-UGV的协作; 5.21.5 当给定新任务时,可以重新排序任务的执行; 5.21.6 任务可以具有优先级; 5.21.7 可以根据预测的未来任务改变A-UGV性能; 5.21.8 任务可以具有其他任务的依存关系。
1.1 This guide categorizes the autonomous capabilities of an automatic through autonomous-unmanned ground vehicle (A-UGV) based on the following list of capability categories: (a) Goal Navigation: Pre-Programmed ; (b) Goal Navigation: In situ ; (c) Localization ; (d) Docking —Infrastructure Dependence; (e) Obstacle Avoidance —Types of objects that can be avoided and are within the A-UGV envelope, and types of objects that can be avoided and are outside of the A-UGV envelope; (f) Changing Contour Area or Envelope ; (g) Changing Payload ; (h) Impaired Communication Behavior ; (i) Lost Communication Behavior ; (j) Environmental Conditions ; (k) Fleet Makeup —Fleet Task Assignment, Information Sharing/Updating, Fleet Navigation Coordination, and Fleet Task Coordination. 1.2 This guide provides a basis for A-UGV manufacturers and users to compare the intended task to the A-UGV capability. This guide does not purport to cover all relevant capabilities or categories that an A-UGV can perform. Instead, this guide provides a method for defining A-UGV capabilities and limits of A-UGV capabilities within specified categories listed in 1.1 . 1.3 One or more capabilities may be used to define the A-UGV capability and not all categories are required to be used for defining the capability of an A-UGV. 1.4 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard. The values given in parentheses are not precise mathematical conversions to imperial units. They are close approximate equivalents for the purpose of specifying material dimensions or quantities that are readily available to avoid excessive fabrication costs of test apparatuses while maintaining repeatability and reproducibility of the test method results. These values given in parentheses are provided for information only and are not considered standard. 1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 1.6 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. ====== Significance And Use ====== 5.1 This guide is intended to be used by manufacturers and users of A-UGVs: ( 1 ) to fully define capabilities of their A-UGV(s) or ( 2 ) to allow the standard requestor to describe the A-UGV capabilities required for the requested A-UGV to align with assigned task(s). A-UGVs that are covered within ASTM Committee F45 are industrial vehicles that, for example, can be automatic guided vehicles through mobile robots, can be pre-programmed-through-autonomously controlled, can operate indoors or outdoors in infinitely diverse environmental conditions and therefore, with infinitely diverse functionality. To fully describe and measure the usefulness of these vehicles, functionality can be divided into categories where associated capabilities can be independently measured. This guide therefore provides a decomposition of many, perhaps not all, categories and capabilities that are typical of current A-UGVs globally marketed. 5.2 Capability Categories: 5.2.1 Goal Navigation: Pre-Programmed— Capabilities are the various abilities of the A-UGV to navigate a series of externally-defined waypoints on the way to a final goal. 5.2.2 Goal Navigation: In situ— Capabilities are the various abilities of the A-UGV to navigate to a final goal by using the A-UGV system’s internal logic to determine the route. 5.2.3 Localization— Capabilities are the various abilities of the A-UGV to determine its pose within an environment map. 5.2.4 Docking— Capabilities are the various abilities of the A-UGV to stop at a position relative to another object or an absolute position in an environment. Infrastructure Dependence— Sub-category describing the need of the A-UGV to rely on features in the environment for Goal Navigation: Pre-Programmed, Goal Navigation: In-Situ, Localization, or Docking. 5.2.5 Obstacle Avoidance: Single Vehicle— Capabilities are the various abilities of the A-UGV not to collide with an obstacle(s). Types of objects that can be avoided and are within the A-UGV envelope— Describe the types of objects that can be avoided, as in 5.2.6 , and are within the A-UGV envelope. Types of objects that can be avoided and are outside of the A-UGV envelope— Describe the types of objects that the A-UGV can avoid, as in 5.2.6 , and that are outside of the A-UGV envelope. 5.2.6 Changing Contour Area or Envelope— the A-UGV can change contour area or envelope using stock settings or while operating and stopped or moving. 5.2.7 Changing Payload— The A-UGV can transport fixed or moving payload(s) at 100 % rated weight and speed. 5.2.8 Impaired Communication Behavior— A-UGV action(s) when communication is disrupted. 5.2.9 Lost Communication Behavior— A-UGV action(s) when communication stops. 5.2.10 Environmental Conditions— Capabilities are the various abilities of the A-UGV to overcome environmental conditions. Section 5.4 provides example standards referencing ingress protection (IP) rating and examples referenced within Practice F3218 -18 that affect mobility where other environmental conditions may also affect A-UGV capabilities (for example, electrical interference, humidity, etc.). 5.3 Fleet Categories: 5.3.1 Fleets of A-UGVs are defined in Terminology F3200 as a coordinated collection of vehicles. The following sections related to fleets provide descriptions of the capability categories that a single A-UGV has as one of the vehicles within a fleet. 5.3.2 Fleet Makeup— The A-UGV type as compared to the fleet: homogeneous (the same type and configuration as vehicles within the fleet), or heterogeneous (different type or configuration as vehicles within the fleet). Fleet Task Assignment— Tasks can be given individually to the A-UGV or collectively to the A-UGV and the other vehicles within the fleet. Information Sharing/Updating (for example, presence of obstacles, environment map changes)— The A-UGV can provide/receive data or knowledge to/from other A-UGVs or sensors. Fleet Navigation Coordination— The A-UGV can interact with a fleet through a fleet controller for A-UGV navigation permissions or other navigation requirements. Fleet Task Coordination— The A-UGV can share features (for example, task fulfillment requirements, such as: roller table docking issues causes a shifted pickup position; unit loader is required instead of a forklift) that the fleet can use to accomplish operations. A-UGV categories and capabilities are listed and described in the following sections. A standard test method is also shown in parentheses within a capability for those that are currently available as, for example Test Method F3244 , to allow the capability to be repeatably tested. 5.4 Goal Navigation: Pre-Programmed: 5.4.1 Can navigate a preprogrammed path to the goal (Test Method F3244 ). 5.4.2 If encounters obstacle, can leave the preprogrammed path and return to the preprogrammed path to the goal (Test Method F3244 , Practice F3381 ). 5.4.3 If blocked, can navigate an alternate preprogrammed path to the goal, for example, navigate a different hallway/aisle. 5.4.4 If blocked, can navigate multiple alternate preprogrammed paths to the goal, for example, navigate a third hallway/aisle if the second is blocked. 5.5 Goal Navigation: In situ: 5.5.1 Can determine and navigate an initial path to the goal (Test Method F3244 ). 5.5.2 If blocked, can determine and navigate an alternate path to the goal, for example, navigate a different hallway/aisle. 5.5.3 If blocked, can determine and navigate multiple alternate paths to the goal, for example, navigate a third hallway/aisle if the second is blocked. 5.6 Localization: 5.6.1 A-UGV can find its initial pose automatically. 5.6.2 Given an initial pose, A-UGV does not get lost in a static environment, for example, office building (Test Method F3244 , Practice F3381 ). 5.6.3 Given an initial pose, A-UGV does not get lost in a dynamic environment, for example, warehouse with pallets being moved (Test Method F3244 ). 5.6.4 Given that the A-UGV is correctly localized, it becomes forcibly unlocalized, then it stops and requires human intervention to restart. The A-UGV becomes forcibly unlocalized when, for example, it gets picked up and moved to another location (kidnapped) or is intentionally told it is in the wrong location through software (both a greatly off position and an aliased position such as one aisle off). 5.6.5 A-UGV can automatically determine its pose after being forcibly unlocalized. 5.6.6 A-UGV can update its environment map based on detected changes in the environment, for example, continuous SLAM. 5.7 Docking: 5.7.1 Can position at preprogrammed waypoints, for example, absolute coordinates. 5.7.2 Can dock with a static object, for example, conveyer. 5.7.3 Can dock with a moveable, but stationary, object, for example, another vehicle, pallet, or cart. 5.7.4 Can dock with coordinated movement between the A-UGV and the dock, for example, mid-air fueling. 5.8 Infrastructure Dependence— Ability to rely on features in the environment. This category is a subset of Goal Navigation: Pre-Programmed, Goal Navigation: In situ, Localization, and Docking. 5.8.1 Can rely on features in the environment that were specifically installed to assist A-UGV operation, for example, magnetic tape, QR codes. 5.8.2 Can rely on natural features, for example, walls, racking. 5.9 Obstacle Avoidance: 5.9.1 Can stop when path is obstructed, for example, pallet in the path (Test Method F3244 , Practice F3381 , Test Method F3265 ). 5.9.2 Can navigate around static obstacles without collision, for example, navigating around a box partially blocking a hallway (Test Method F3244 , Practice F3381 , Test Method F3265 ). 5.9.3 Can navigate around moving obstacles without collision, for example, navigating around a moving vehicle that crosses the A-UGV path (Test Method F3244 , Test Method F3265 ). 5.10 Types of Objects that can be Avoided and are Within the A-UGV Envelope (Practice F3381 ): 5.10.1 On ground, <10 cm obstacle height. 5.10.2 On ground, 10 cm to 20 cm obstacle height. Note that 20 cm is based on a test piece size described in ITSDF B56.5. 5.10.3 On ground, >20 cm obstacle height. 5.10.4 Elevated/suspended ≥ 20 cm and within the A-UGV envelope, <10 cm obstacle height. Elevated is measured from the bottom of obstacle to the ground. 5.10.5 Elevated/suspended ≥ 20 cm and within the A-UGV envelope, ≥ 10 cm obstacle height. 5.11 Types of Objects that can be Avoided and are Outside of the A-UGV Envelope : 5.11.1 Negative obstacles, ≤ 1 cm obstacle height, for example, missing tile. 5.11.2 Negative obstacles, >1 to ≤ 10 cm obstacle height, for example, removable panel on a raised floor. 5.11.3 Negative obstacles, >10 cm obstacle height, for example, loading dock, cliff, manhole. 5.11.4 Elevated/suspended above the A-UGV envelope and within the vertical projection of the A-UGV envelope. 5.11.5 Beside the A-UGV envelope. 5.12 Changing Contour Area or Envelope: 5.12.1 Can change contour area from stock settings; 5.12.2 Can change contour area while operating and stopped; 5.12.3 Can change contour area while operating and moving; 5.12.4 Can change envelope from stock settings; 5.12.5 Can change envelope while operating and stopped, and; 5.12.6 Can change envelope while operating and moving. 5.13 Changing Payload: 5.13.1 Can transport fixed payload at 100 % rated weight, speed, and; 5.13.2 Can transport moving payload (for example, robot arms, liquid tanks, shifting loads, unsecured (in bins), trailer loads) at 100 % rated weight, speed. 5.14 Impaired Communication Behavior (all sub-sections of 5.20 and 5.21 can refer to Test Method F3244 ) : 5.14.1 When communication is impaired, A-UGV stops and when communication resumes, requires human intervention in order to restart normal operation. 5.14.2 When communication is impaired, A-UGV stops and when communication resumes, does not require human intervention in order to restart normal operation. 5.14.3 While communication is impaired, A-UGV has modified operation, for example, drive slower. 5.14.4 While communication is impaired, continues normal operation. 5.15 Lost Communication Behavior: 5.15.1 When communication is lost, A-UGV stops and when communication resumes, requires human intervention in order to restart normal operation. 5.15.2 When communication is lost, A-UGV stops and when communication resumes, does not require human intervention in order to restart normal operation. 5.15.3 While communication is lost, A-UGV has modified operation, for example, drive slower. 5.15.4 While communication is lost, continues normal operation. 5.16 Environmental Conditions: 5.16.1 IP Rating: refer to IP Rating scale, for example, EN 60529 (British BS EN 60529:1992, European IEC 60509:1989). 5.16.2 For each capability, list the environmental condition (Practice F3218 ) under which the A-UGV can operate (for example, mobility: ground surface with elevation change up/down; gap; grade; deformability; undulation; floor particulates; coefficient of friction; boundaries (for example, cold storage curtains)). 5.17 Fleet Makeup: 5.17.1 Homogenous A-UGVs. 5.17.2 Heterogenous A-UGVs: Same manufacturer, Same manufacturer with different configurations, and, Different manufacturer. 5.18 Fleet Task Assignment: 5.18.1 Manual Task Assignment— Give each A-UGV its own task; 5.18.2 Automatic Task Assignment— Give fleet controller tasks to be performed by the A-UGVs. 5.19 Information Sharing/Updating, for example, presence of obstacles, environment map changes: 5.19.1 One A-UGV’s information is shared with one or more A-UGVs in its fleet from the same manufacturer; 5.19.2 One A-UGV’s information is shared with one or more A-UGVs in its fleet from different manufacturers; 5.19.3 Information from a sensor connected to the A-UGV system informs one or more A-UGVs in its fleet from the same manufacturer; 5.19.4 Information from a sensor connected to the A-UGV system informs one or more A-UGVs in its fleet from different manufacturers; 5.19.5 External systems can inform the fleet. 5.20 Fleet Navigation Coordination: 5.20.1 Stop and wait for permission to use a traffic zone (one A-UGV per traffic zone); 5.20.2 Gets permission to use a traffic zone without requiring stopping (one A-UGV per traffic zone); 5.20.3 Stop and wait for permission to use a traffic zone (more than one A-UGV per traffic zone); 5.20.4 Gets permission to use a traffic zone without requiring stopping (more than one A-UGV per traffic zone); 5.20.5 Does not require traffic zones, requires communication with fleet controller or other vehicles, or combinations thereof; 5.20.6 Does not require traffic zones and does not require communication with fleet controller or other vehicles, or combinations thereof. 5.21 Fleet Task Coordination: 5.21.1 Tasks can only be given when they are able to be executed; 5.21.2 Can give future time that task needs to occur; 5.21.3 Tasks are performed by one A-UGV but can only be performed by a subset of the fleet; 5.21.4 Tasks can require collaboration of multiple A-UGVs; 5.21.5 Can reorder execution of tasks when given new tasks; 5.21.6 Tasks can have priority; 5.21.7 Can change A-UGV performance based on predicted future tasks; 5.21.8 Tasks can have dependencies of other tasks.
归口单位: F45.91