JIS B 8621:2019规定了离心式冷水机(以下简称冷水机)的要求,该冷水机通过由离心压缩机、压缩机驱动电机、蒸发器、水冷式冷凝器、辅助制冷剂管道和控制系统组成的制冷循环对水进行冷却或加热。根据本标准规定的标准额定值,本标准涵盖的制冷量或热泵供热量为150千瓦及以上。
JIS B 8621:2019 specifies requirements for the centrifugal water chillers (hereafter referred to as chillers) which perform cooling or heating of water by the refrigerating cycle consisting of a centrifugal compressor, compressor driving motor, evaporator, water cooled condenser, auxiliary refrigerant pipings and control system. The refrigeration capacity or heat pump heating capacity covered by this Standard is 150 kW and over according to the standard rating specified by this Standard.