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现行 ISO/TR 23049:2018
Road Vehicles — Ergonomic aspects of external visual communication from automated vehicles to other road users 软焊剂 - 测试方法 - 第2部分:非挥发物质的测定 沸点测定法
发布日期: 2018-09-13
本文件旨在为自动车辆(AV)视觉外部通信系统(尤其是自动驾驶系统)的开发人员提供指导?SAE J3016定义的专用车辆(ADS-DV)。 本文件的主要目的是提出ADS DVs如何通过外部通信系统与其他道路使用者进行通信。它讨论了道路环境中人与ADS-DVs之间的相互作用。对外部视觉传达信息的类型提出了建议,并给出了支持方法的基本原理。 本文件不涉及ADS-DV外部视觉传达系统本身的功能要素。相反,它的作用是提出该系统如何与人类用户沟通,以便整个社会能够学习和理解它。
The purpose of this document is to provide guidance for developers of visual external communication systems for automated vehicles (AV), particularly Automated Driving System?Dedicated Vehicles (ADS-DV), as defined by SAE J3016. The main objective of this document is to propose how ADS-DVs could communicate with other road users via an external communication system. It discusses the interaction between humans and ADS-DVs within roadway environments. Recommendations for the type of external visual communication messaging are presented along with the supporting methodological rationale. This document does not address functionality elements of the ADS-DV external visual communication system itself. Rather, it serves to propose how the system communicates to human users such that it can be learned and understood by society at large.
归口单位: ISO/TC 22/SC 39