Safety of amusement rides and amusement devices — Part 1: Design and manufacture
娱乐游乐设施的安全 - 第1部分:设计和制造
ISO 17824-1:2015规定了确保以下各项安全设计、计算、制造和安装所需的最低要求:移动、临时或永久安装的机械和结构,例如环岛、秋千、船只、渡轮、过山车、斜槽、看台、薄膜或纺织结构、展位、舞台、侧展、,以及用于艺术空中展示的结构。这些游乐设备可重复安装,不会退化或失去完整性,也可临时或永久安装在游乐场、游乐园或任何其他位置。不包括固定式看台、施工现场装置、脚手架、可移动农业结构和供最多3名儿童使用的简单投币式儿童娱乐设备。
ISO 17842-1:2015 specifies the minimum requirements necessary to ensure the safe design, calculation, manufacture, and installation of the following: mobile, temporary or permanently installed machinery and structures, e.g. roundabouts, swings, boats, Ferris wheels, roller coasters, chutes, grandstands, membrane or textile structures, booths, stages, side shows, and structures for artistic aerial displays. These amusement devices are intended to be installed both repeatedly without degradation or loss of integrity, and temporarily or permanently in fairgrounds and amusement parks or any other locations. Fixed grandstands, construction site installations, scaffolding, removable agricultural structures and simple coin operated children's amusement devices intended for up to 3 children are not covered.
It can nevertheless be used in the design of any similar structural or passenger-carrying device.