The effect of blending different water qualities on distribution system water quality was
investigated in a field study. Waters produced from five different treatment systems; aeration (G1),
nanofiltration (NF0 (G4), CSF-O3-GAC (coagulation sedimentation filtration-ozone-granular activated
carbon (S1), IMS (integrated membrane system)(CSF-NF, or S2) and high pressure RO were blended and
distributed to 18 different pilot distribution systems (PDS). G1, G4, and RO source waters were taken
from the same groundwater. The RO source was augmented with salts to simulate seawater. The S1and
S2 source waters were taken from the same surface water. The PDSs consist of PVC, galvanized, lined
ductile iron and cast iron pipes taken from existing distribution systems and had a 5-day HRT.
Chloramines were added to meet CT and residual requirements. AOC (assimilable organic carbon),
BDOC (biological dissolved organic carbon), HPC (heterotrophic plate count)are measures of suspended
biological activity. PEPA (potential of exoproteolytic activity) measures attached film bioactivity.
The S2 and G4 AOC are essentially equal, but the RO (reverse osmosis) AOC is reduced and less
than other treatments. S1 and S2 AOCs are equal. PDS biostability order is G1