Cinematography — Maximum permissible area for subtitle on 35 mm and 16 mm motion-picture release prints - Position and dimensions
ISO 8567:2002规定了ISO 359和ISO 2907中规定的用于正常投影的35 mm和16 mm电影发行版上字幕允许的最大区域的位置和尺寸。ISO 8567:2002并没有取代ISO 1223,该标准规定了用于电视传输的印刷品的安全区域。
ISO 8567:2002 specifies the position and dimensions of the maximum area permitted for subtitles on 35 mm and 16 mm motion-picture release prints for normal projection as specified in ISO 359 and ISO 2907. ISO 8567:2002 does not replace ISO 1223, which specifies the safe areas for prints intended for transmission by television.