Council Decision of 7 March 2011 on the conclusion on behalf of the European Union of the Protocol between the European Union, the European Community, the Swiss Confederation and the Principality of Liechtenstein on the accession of the Principality of Liechtenstein to the Agreement between the European Union, the European Community and the Swiss Confederation on the Swiss Confederation’s association with the implementation, application and devel
理事会2011年3月7日关于代表欧洲联盟缔结欧洲联盟、欧洲共同体、瑞士联邦和列支敦士登公国关于列支敦士登公国加入欧洲联盟间协定的议定书的决定 欧洲共同体和瑞士联邦关于瑞士联邦与实施、应用和发展的关系
Council Decision of 7 March 2011 on the conclusion on behalf of the European Union of the Protocol between the European Union, the European Community, the Swiss Confederation and the Principality of Liechtenstein on the accession of the Principality of Liechtenstein to the Agreement between the European Union, the European Community and the Swiss Confederation on the Swiss Confederation’s association with the implementation, application and development of the Schengen acquis, relating in particular to judicial cooperation in criminal matters and police cooperation