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现行 ISO 6647-2:2020
Rice — Determination of amylose content — Part 2: Spectrophotometric routine method without defatting procedure and with calibration from rice standards 大米直链淀粉含量的测定第2部分:无脱脂和按大米标准校准的分光光度法
发布日期: 2020-07-14
本文件规定了两种简化的常规方法,用于测定未经蒸煮的精米直链淀粉质量分数。这两种方法的主要区别在于分散程序:方法A指定热分散,方法B指定冷分散。 这两种方法都适用于直链淀粉质量分数高于5%的大米。 注:这些方法描述了常规实验室常用的简化样品制备程序。这些方法使用与参考方法相同的试剂(见ISO 6647-1),但省略了脱脂步骤。用参考法测定直链淀粉质量分数的大米样品作为标准。
This document specifies two simplified routine methods for the determination of the amylose mass fraction of milled rice, non-parboiled. The main difference between the two methods is the dispersion procedure: method A specifies hot dispersion, and method B specifies cold dispersion. Both methods are applicable to rice with an amylose mass fraction higher than 5 %. NOTE These methods describe simplified procedures for the preparation of samples, which are frequently used in routine laboratories. The methods use the same reagents as the reference method (see ISO 6647-1), but omit the defatting step. Rice samples where the amylose mass fraction has been determined by the reference method are used as standards.
归口单位: ISO/TC 34/SC 4