Industrial trucks - Verification of stability, Part 10: Additional stability test for trucks operating in the special condition of stacking with load laterally displaced by powered devices (ISO 22915-10:2008, MOD)
工业卡车.稳定性验证 第10部分:在由动力装置横向移动负载的特殊堆垛条件下运行的卡车的附加稳定性试验(ISO 22915-10-2008 MOD)
The objective of this Standard is to specify an additional test for verifying the stability of a laden truck fitted with a powered load-handling device, such as a sideshift, which can displace the centre of gravity to a substantial, predetermined extent from the longitudinal centre plane of the truck. Such devices are used in that mode for depositing and retrieving a load with the mast vertical or raised to maximum boom angle and extension.