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现行 ASTM E2231-21
Standard Practice for Specimen Preparation and Mounting of Pipe and Duct Insulation Materials to Assess Surface Burning Characteristics 评定表面燃烧特性用管道和导管绝缘材料的试样制备和安装的标准实施规程
发布日期: 2021-12-15
1.1 本规程描述了在使用试验方法测试管道和管道绝缘材料以评估火焰传播和烟雾发展作为表面燃烧特性时,样品制备和安装的程序 E84 . 1.2 如果要测试的管道或导管绝缘材料是反射绝缘材料(参见 3.2.10 和 3.2.11 ),应使用实践中描述的试样制备和安装程序对材料进行测试 E2599 而不是中描述的程序 6.1 通过 6.6 . 1. 3. 测试采用测试方法进行 E84 . 1.4 本规程未提供可用作监管工具的合格/不合格标准。 1.5 在裁判裁决中,使用英寸-磅单位表示的值作为标准。国际单位制中的数值在括号中给出,仅供参考;看见 IEEE/ASTM SI-10 了解更多详细信息。 1.6 本消防标准不能用于提供定量措施。 1.7 产品和材料的防火测试具有固有的危险性,在进行这些测试时,应对人员和财产采取适当的保护措施。 防火测试涉及危险材料、操作和设备。本标准给出了试样制备和安装的说明,但试验方法中给出了耐火试验响应方法 E84 . 另请参见第节 8. . 1.8 本标准的文本引用了提供解释材料的注释和脚注。这些注释和脚注(不包括表和图中的注释和脚注)不应视为本标准的要求。 1.9 本标准并非旨在解决与其使用相关的所有安全问题(如有)。 本标准的用户有责任在使用前制定适当的安全、健康和环境实践,并确定监管限制的适用性。 1.10 本国际标准是根据世界贸易组织技术性贸易壁垒(TBT)委员会发布的《关于制定国际标准、指南和建议的原则的决定》中确立的国际公认标准化原则制定的。 ====意义和用途====== 5.1 管道和管道保温系统通常采用试验方法进行评估 E84 遵守建筑或机械规范要求。本规程详细描述了单组分管道或管道保温系统以及多组分管道或管道保温系统的试样制备和安装程序。 5.2 测试的材料、系统、复合材料或组件应代表实际现场安装中使用的完整绝缘系统的组件,包括其各自的厚度。 5.3 管道和管道保温系统由多种材料和结构组成。 5.4 一些测试实验室已经开发了许多用于测试管道或导管绝缘系统的协议,这些协议使用一种通用类型的材料,所有这些材料都带有绝缘芯和护套。这些协议是这种做法的起源,使其具有通用性,以减少标准中的材料偏差;它们导致了 6.1 . 中介绍的程序 6.2 – 6.5 解决其他类型的管道或管道保温系统。 5.5 本规程涉及中所述类型系统的样本制备和安装 5.5.1 – 5.5.3 和补充材料的测试,如 5.6 . 5.5.1 包含绝缘芯和护套的多组件系统,绝缘芯和护套之间有或没有粘合剂,不打算粘接到管道或导管基板上。此类系统的样本制备和安装如所述 6.1 如果他们是自给自足的 6.2 如果他们不能自给自足。 5.5.2 单组件系统,不打算连接到管道或导管基板。 此类系统的样本制备和安装如所述 6.3 如果他们是自给自足的 6.4 如果他们不能自给自足。 5.5.3 拟连接到管道或导管基板的系统。此类系统的样本制备和安装如所述 6.5 . 5.5.4 反射绝缘材料(参见 3.2.10 和 3.2.11 )拟用作管道或导管绝缘材料并安装有气隙的,应使用实践中描述的样品制备程序和安装程序进行测试 E2599 . 拟用作管道或导管绝缘材料并在无气隙的情况下安装的反射绝缘材料应使用第节所述的试样制备和安装程序进行测试 6. 这种做法。 5.5.5 当信息可用时,应添加本规程中未描述的系统的样品制备和安装程序。 5.6 补充材料: 5.6.1 众所周知,管道或管道保温系统的辅助材料通常能够产生热量、火焰或烟雾。 因此,整个系统的消防安全至少在一定程度上取决于辅助材料的防火性能。因此,应评估所有辅助材料的耐火试验响应特性,以全面评估管道或管道绝缘系统的耐火试验响应。看见 附录X1 . 5.6.2 在管道或风管保温系统中,补充材料通常以间歇性间隔存在,而不是延长长度。因此,不可能总是与管道或管道保温系统一起对其进行适当测试。 5.6.3 辅助材料的测试- 根据第节,未与管道或管道保温系统一起进行全面测试的补充材料 6. 应根据试验方法,作为单组分系统对火焰传播和烟雾发展进行试验 E84 . 5.7 该程序的限制与试验方法有关 E84 .
1.1 This practice describes procedures for specimen preparation and mounting when testing pipe and duct insulation materials to assess flame spread and smoke development as surface burning characteristics using Test Method E84 . 1.2 If the pipe or duct insulation materials to be tested are reflective insulation materials (see 3.2.10 and 3.2.11 ), the materials shall be tested using the procedures for specimen preparation and mounting described in Practice E2599 and not the procedures described in 6.1 through 6.6 . 1.3 Testing is conducted with Test Method E84 . 1.4 This practice does not provide pass/fail criteria that can be used as a regulatory tool. 1.5 Use the values stated in inch-pound units as the standard, in referee decisions. The values in the SI system of units are given in parentheses, for information only; see IEEE/ASTM SI-10 for further details. 1.6 This fire standard cannot be used to provide quantitative measures. 1.7 Fire testing of products and materials is inherently hazardous, and adequate safeguards for personnel and property shall be employed in conducting these tests. Fire testing involves hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. This standard gives instructions on specimen preparation and mounting, but the fire-test-response method is given in Test Method E84 . See also Section 8 . 1.8 The text of this standard references notes and footnotes which provide explanatory material. These notes and footnotes (excluding those in tables and figures) shall not be considered requirements of the standard. 1.9 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 1.10 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. ====== Significance And Use ====== 5.1 Pipe and duct insulation systems are often evaluated with Test Method E84 to comply with building or mechanical code requirements. This practice describes, in detail, specimen preparation and mounting procedures for single-component pipe or duct insulation systems and for multi-component pipe or duct insulation systems. 5.2 The material, system, composite, or assembly tested shall be representative of the completed insulation system used in actual field installations, in terms of the components, including their respective thicknesses. 5.3 Pipe and duct insulation systems consist of a variety of materials and constructions. 5.4 Some testing laboratories have developed a number of protocols for testing pipe or duct insulation systems which utilize one generic type of materials, all of them with an insulation core and a jacket. Those protocols are the origin of this practice, which makes them generic, to reduce material bias in the standard; they have resulted in the procedures presented in 6.1 . The procedures presented in 6.2 – 6.5 address other types of pipe or duct insulation systems. 5.5 This practice addresses specimen preparation and mounting of systems of the types described in 5.5.1 – 5.5.3 and testing of supplementary materials as described in 5.6 . 5.5.1 Multi-component systems containing an insulation core and a jacket, with or without adhesive between insulation core and jacket, not intended to be bonded to a pipe or duct substrate. Specimen preparation and mounting for such systems is described in 6.1 if they are self-supporting and in 6.2 if they are not self-supporting. 5.5.2 Single component systems, not intended to be bonded to a pipe or duct substrate. Specimen preparation and mounting for such systems is described in 6.3 if they are self-supporting and in 6.4 if they are not self-supporting. 5.5.3 Systems intended to be bonded to a pipe or duct substrate. Specimen preparation and mounting for such systems is described in 6.5 . 5.5.4 Reflective insulation materials (see 3.2.10 and 3.2.11 ) intended to be used as pipe or duct insulation materials and installed with an air gap shall be tested using the procedures for specimen preparation and mounting procedures described in Practice E2599 . Reflective insulation materials intended to be used as pipe or duct insulation materials and installed without an air gap shall be tested using the specimen preparation and mounting procedures described in Section 6 of this practice. 5.5.5 Specimen preparation and mounting procedures for systems not described in this practice shall be added as the information becomes available. 5.6 Supplementary Materials: 5.6.1 It is recognized that supplementary materials for pipe or duct insulation systems are normally able to generate heat, flame or smoke. Thus, the fire safety of the entire system depends, at least to some extent, on the fire performance of supplementary materials. Consequently, the fire-test-response characteristics of all supplementary materials shall be assessed to obtain a full assessment of the fire-test-response of the pipe or duct insulation system. See Appendix X1 . 5.6.2 Supplementary materials are often present intermittently spaced, and not for an extended length, in a pipe or duct insulation system. Thus, it is not always possible to suitably test them in conjunction with a pipe or duct insulation system. 5.6.3 Testing of Supplementary Materials— Supplementary materials that have not been fully tested in conjunction with the pipe or duct insulation system, in accordance with Section 6 , shall be tested for flame spread and smoke development as single-component systems, in accordance with Test Method E84 . 5.7 The limitations for this procedure are those associated with Test Method E84 .
归口单位: E05.22
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